Playing Killer in Dead by Daylight can be surprisingly difficult at times. The killer is supposed to dictate the pace of the game and dominate the survivors with overwhelming force, but an organized team of experienced survivors can completely reverse the script. Being on an endless loop and rushing to lose quickly can be frustrating. To give you a competitive edge as a Killer, here are the top 10 Killer Perks to use in Dead by Daylight right now.
BBQ and chilli
"After hooking a Survivor, all Auras of other Survivors are revealed to you for 4 seconds when they are more than 40 yards from the Hook."
This is a great advantage of the Cannibal that allows you to stay on the move after a hook, immediately finding your next target. Depending on how many survivors you see, you also get a good reading of how many survivors are nearby and potentially in the line for a rescue. This perk has a great secondary perk: "Each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time, earn a 25% stacking bonus on all Bloodpoint wins, up to a maximum of 50/75/100%."
Hex: Ruin
"Anytime a generator is not repaired by a survivor, it will immediately and automatically regress its repair progress to 100/150/200% of normal regression rate."
This teachable Hag perk makes the game much more difficult for Survivors. Despite the changes it went through earlier in 2020, Hex: Ruin is still one of Killer's best perks in Dead by Daylight.
Hex: eternal
“Survivor auras are revealed for 4/5/6 seconds when within 2 yards of any totem pole. When Hex: Undying is active and a different Totem Hex is cleared, that Hex will be transferred to a Dull Totem, as long as one exists. All tokens accumulated on Hex Perks are reset with the transfer. "
This teachable blight perk gives the killer excellent control over the map and actively penalizes survivors for attempting to tamper with your totems.
Corrupt intervention
“3 generators located furthest from you are blocked for 80/100/120 seconds at the start of the test. Survivors cannot repair generators while Corrupted Intervention is active. "
This teachable Plague perk isn't as flashy or interactive as Killer's other perks, but it does a great job of slowing down survivors and making it easier for you to start the game. A solid start usually leads to a victory.
Pop goes the weasel
“After hooking up a Survivor, the next Generator you break is instantly regressed by 25% of its total progress. Normal generator regression applies after damage is dealt. Pop Goes the Weasel is active for 40/50/60 seconds after the Survivor is addicted. "
Another simple but brutally effective perk, this time taught by the clown. Pop Goes the Weasel increases your advantage as a Slayer, allowing you to take control of the game quickly.
Beast of prey
"Grants the Undetectable status effect after you gain Bloodlust 1. The effect is removed once you lose Bloodlust." Gain 30/40/50% additional blood points for actions in the Hunter category. "
This teachable Huntress perk is excellent for two reasons. It allows you to cultivate more Bloodpoints in your games, which is never a bad thing. Most importantly, it helps you successfully catch sliding survivors by making mind games harder for them.
"When a generator is 70% repaired, you receive a loud noise notification and gain the undetectable state effect for 12/14/16 seconds."
This teachable Hillbilly perk lets you prevent survivors from finishing generators. It can get you back into the game if you fell behind as the killer.
Infectious fear
"Any Survivors caught in the Killer's Terror radius when another Survivor is put into the Dying State with a Basic Attack will howl and reveal their current location to the Killer for 4/5/6 seconds."
This is a teachable plague benefit. Besides being a little funny, Infectious Fright is one of Dead by Daylight Killer's best perks for keeping up the pressure and punishing survivors for their cooperation.
"Whenever two or more Survivors work on the same generator, that generator's aura is highlighted in yellow for 8/10/12 seconds."
This teachable Legion perk also punishes Survivors for working together, making it easy for your team to repair their teams.
A nurse's call
“Auras of survivors who heal or are healed are revealed to you when they are within 20/24/28 yards.”
This is obviously a teachable nurse benefit. Another great benefit of reading Aura, A Nurse's Calling helps you catch survivors when they are most vulnerable. It complements all the perks you already have and is great for slug-loving killers.
Bonus: painful
“Your terror radius is increased by 22/24/26%. Earn 100% additional Bloodpoints for actions in the Underhand category. "
This general benefit of Dead by Daylight Killer isn't for everyone. This is because an expanded Terror Radius reveals your presence sooner and is unsuitable for certain playstyles. However, Distress can magnify the effectiveness of perks like Infectious Fear and Unwavering Presence, and the Bloodpoint bonus payout is awesome at times. to have.