Much like Enchanting, tailoring is a profession primarily useful for people wearing clothes, namely mages, priests, and warlocks. With Tailoring you can craft your own gear and it tends to be relatively reliable at a given level if you get the hang of it early enough. It also allows you to make bags, which is worth it for many people.
Fortunately, customization is one of the easiest skills to master early on, depending on your race and faction.
World of Warcraft Classic professions: how to get started as a tailor
The Horde has it especially easy. Trolls and Orcs practically run into a tailoring trainer after leaving the Valley of Trials (at the Barrens Crossroads), and Tauren has such an easy-to-use trainer right after leaving his starting spot. The Undead even have one in Tirisfal Glades, their own starting area. In addition, of course, the required trainers of all types in the capital of each breed.
If you go Alliance it's a bit more difficult for some races. The easiest trainers to locate are in the capitals of Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus. It's a bit of a walk for gnomes, dwarves, and night elves, but a quick jump and step for humans.
Finding the trainer is only the first step, of course. To create custom recipes, you will need fabric, which drops from humanoid enemies, as well as variants of undead and other types of enemies. Fortunately, humanoids are abundant in most areas and include anything that has two legs and two arms, including monsters you wouldn't necessarily expect (like Murlocs). Killing items at roughly your level no matter what area you are in provides a pretty solid supply, and routes can be plotted through many areas to maximize farming efficiency if you are there. to be interested.
You will also usually need a wire of some sort; this can be purchased from sewing suppliers.
The most basic type of fabric is linen. The most basic usable unit for making anything is a roll of fabric (linen to begin with), created from two types of rags in your Sewing menu (accessed by tapping the icon on the General tab of your spellbook). Crafting the fabric itself is guaranteed to give you one level per bolt for quite a while and continues to be a good one.