The third and last legendary bear is unlike its brothers. Released with a lackluster drip feed, the legendary Golden Spirit Bear is not a random encounter like previous bears. The encounter is similar to Legendary Bounties from the Bounty Hunter role. They must be initiated by the correct NPC. The bear can be sampled or killed for rewards, money, or clothing.
This week's bear is locked behind a Harriet observation mission. These updates are less common than free roaming dating but overall easier. They can be played multiple times to quickly collect all the rewards and complete the Animal Field Guide. In order to complete the Golden Spirit Bear section in the Field Guide, you will need to follow the animal once, kill it once, skin it once, take at least one photo, and sample it once.
To initiate the meeting, you will need to speak with Harriet. We hope you haven't killed too many animals lately. If so, Harriet will vaporize you with her hallucinogenic concoction. After a brief cooldown, you can interact with Harriet again.
If you have not yet completed the Golden Spirit Bear Observation Mission, the mission will appear at the bottom of the rotating list in the Harriet Mission Selection screen. It will be at the bottom regardless of the rotation selection. After completing this mission, it will be added to the rotation. Keep coming back to see Harriet and regularly check her missions to complete them.
To start the mission:
- Go to one of Harriet's locations and speak with her
- Select missions
- Select the Golden Spirit Bear mission at the bottom of the list
After selecting the mission, Harriet will briefly tell you about the bear as it charges. Follow the mission instructions to find the bear. The first will be more cinematic and will have an impressive cutscene with the bear. Repeat missions will be less theatrical, but you may encounter the original multiple times.
The bear can be sampled and skinned, but not in the same mission. If you kill him, only one member of your gang can get skin. If you taste it, everyone in your group will receive the sample. In order to completely complete the Animal Field Guide, you will need to repeat the mission.