On August 5, EA officially unveiled The Yard, a new game mode in Madden that will feature arcade-style gameplay and attempt to replicate the experience of playing football in gardens and parks. The Yard will also offer the ability to create customizable avatars, as well as allow players to perform behind-the-back throws and double passes, while immersed in the 6v6 game.
A week after The Yard was announced, Madden developer JP Kellams shared more details about the new mode in a Gridiron Notes article on EA's website. Kellams said this game mode would be a lot like that backyard football experience that many of us have had in the past. The Yard players will be able to play on both sides of the pitch (attack and defense), face off on an 80-meter pitch (20 meters shorter than a traditional football pitch) and 20-meter first tries.
Kellams also reviewed some of the new controls that will be included in The Yard. Some of these controls will be similar to those Madden players have become accustomed to in the past. Players will still use LS / L3 to move around the field, and pressing the flashing button above a receiver will allow you to throw the ball towards that target. There are, however, new controls that players will need to get used to.
One of these controls is for the multi-snap, or the ability to snap the ball to any player on the field. To take multiple captures, press LT / L2 to bring up the prompt, then press the button icon that corresponds to the player you want to hang the ball on. To perform a lateral, which can be used endlessly during a game, press LB / L1 to give the pigskin to a nearby player.
Team Madden also added double assists to The Yard. Kellams said that in The Yard all passing behind the line of scrimmage is legal, which means you can double down during a game. Once you get past the line of scrimmage you can pass the ball, but it must. be thrown behind the player with the ball.
Another element of the double pass in The Yard is a “one stopwatch mechanic”. This mechanism allows a receiver to immediately kick the ball towards another receiver, rather than catching the ball. To do this, hold down LT / L3 when trying to hook, then press any button on the receiver.
Keep in mind that these are the commands that we know will be in The Yard from now on. We'll know more about the mode's full controls once the game launches later this month. Once Madden 21 is released, we'll update this article to reflect the changes and additions.