And that is why portals are not only necessary, they are fundamentally necessary. If you are wondering how to unlock the portal recipe and start warping the whole world easily, we have all the details below. Winning the portal is quite a quest - you'll need to defeat the first boss, use your first pickaxe, and forge ingots to craft an upgraded ax before you can even begin.
Find out the ins and outs of portals in with the full guide below.
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How to unlock the portal crafting recipe
The portal unlocks in your hammer crafting menu once you get your first Fine wood Equipment. Obtaining fine wood is not easy - you will need to complete several preliminary steps in the game before you can start harvesting fine wood from Birch et Oak trees in the Meadow biome.
- How to get fine wood and unlock the portal
- To get Fine wood, you must first defeat Eikthyr, the enemy boss of the deer of the biome of Meadows.
- Use the stones at your spawn point to locate a Mystical altar. Sacrifice 3 deer trophies to summon the boss.
- Defeat Eikthyr to win x3 hardwood - which you can use to craft the Wooden pickaxe. Use the Wooden pickaxe at mine The copper et Tin Ore Black Forest.
- Build a Forge, then combine x2 Copper et x1 tin create Bronze Ingot x1.
- Once you have the bronze, you can build the Bronze ax. You can now cut down the white trees in the Meadow Biome and unlock precious wood crafting recipes.
- To get Fine wood, you must first defeat Eikthyr, the enemy boss of the deer of the biome of Meadows.
There are other ways to get fine wood. You can lure the trolls to smash and attack the trees until you can retrieve the wood, or you can loot the destroyed ships on the waters of the Black Forest to find valuable wood. In any case, once you have obtained precious wood, you will be able to create portals.
How to create portals
- Portal materials: Under "Miscellaneous" - x20 fine wood, x10 gray dwarf eyes, x2 Surtling core
Greydwarf The eyes falling off Greydwarf enemies. You will find many in the Black Forest Biome. Surtling cores falling off Surtlings, which are in the Swamp biome.
Portals can be found in the "Miscellaneous" category when using the hammer. They must be built within reach of a Workbench to function properly.
All metals and metallic ores (Tin, copper, bronze, iron, silver, etc.) prevent passing through a portal. You will need to walk back metal ore to your bases. Other materials like wood and your weapons / armor can be transported through portals. Dragon eggs are also prohibited from passing through portals.
How portals work
To browse a portal, you must build two. Each portal is connected via tag - hurry [IS] on a portal to enter a case sensitive tag. Two portals with the same tag are connected.
Portals allow you to quickly travel between two distant locations. There are downsides - like I said above, you can't move metals or metal ores through portals. If you build an outpost on the other side of the portal and craft weapons / armor, you can travel freely through the portal. Do not ask me why. It's just ore / metal ingots that you can't transport.
Let's take a look at some ways you can get the most out of your portals.
Portal tips and tricks
- You just need to create 1 portal at your home. This portal can be linked to any number of portals. As you build more portals, name them after the different biomes they are in. Then you can just change the tag of your original base to go to one of them.
- Remember that tags are case sensitive.
- Bring the necessary materials to build a portal with you before attempting difficult challenges. Having a portal is incredibly useful for tempting difficult bosses like the Ancient One or Bonemass. Go down your portal if you think you are going to die - it can save your life by simply giving you access to food and health potions.