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What is a UPS for PC? Why buy a UPS for PC? How do you orient yourself among all models di UPS that exist in the various shop online?
Let's say you just blew almost all of yours savings to buy your fantastic PC setup with gaming video card from high-end, but you are too afraid of power surges e temporal because your electrical system maybe it is old and full of flaws.
With this guide we will explain what exactly a UPS and how it works, what are the models reference and how to calculate the power needed to allow your pc not to turn off when he skips the current.
- Best UPS for PC • What is a UPS and how it works
- Best UPS for PC • Pure or approximate sine wave?
- Best UPS for PC • Calculate the power needed
- Best UPS for PC • Home and office
- Best UPS for PC • Mid-range
- Best UPS for PC • High-end
- Best UPS for PC • Conclusions
Uninterruptible Power Supply • What is a UPS and how does it work?
Un UPS per PC, acronym for Uninterruptible Power Supply, better known in Spain as ups, serves to make our work, office or gaming pc have one battery reserve in case you skip the current di casa or ours office.
A UPS contains a battery and a little one software that in the most advanced products allows controllare the current delivered, the time available should it skip the current and other interesting data on consumption of our PC.
there three types di UPS per PC, standby, line interactive e online and:
- Technology standby makes sure that theUPS energize the PC only when the power is on salta, with a very short interval activation;
- La line interactive it is similar to standby but includes a transformer which makes the activation of the battery more efficient. It is about tech of UPS more widespread and it's quite a lot improved over the last few years;
- The typology online and (also called "double conversion"), the plus one expensive, provides for the continuation conversion e filtering of the current towards ours PC power supply.
In this guide we will mainly consider UPS line interactive, because they have a price affordable and they are still a lot secure.
Generally, almost all uninterruptible power supplies for PC they also give you a chance to replace le battery with a hot swap system, allowing you to stretch the life of the product!
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) • Pure or approximate sine wave?

You've surely heard somewhere about these “UPS for PCs with pure sine wave". But what does it mean? And why it is important thing?
With the spread of PC power supplies with technology Active PFC (Power Factor Correction), which adapts the voltage incoming, the UPS per PC required for feed a gaming station necessarily had to equip themselves with the tech a onda sinusoidale pura.
This is because it is necessary that the electric wave does not have flat lines as it happens in normal electric waves or waves approximate sine waves.
But it's true all that? Also because the UPS for PCs with pure sine wave are among the most expensive ever.
It depends precisely on thePC power supply: if PFC technology is active we will necessarily need a UPS for PC a pure sine wave, if it's passive we can also buy a sine wave UPS approximated.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) • How to calculate the power needed?
Finally, how is the power necessary for your UPS per PC? THE uninterruptible power supplies are given for volt-amperes, instead of for wattage.
This is because the true factor which limits the capacity of a UPS per PC and the output current, which is much more related to the VA value than the Watts!
Don't despair: generally in any modern appliance and in any components electronic this value is indicated.
If you don't find, there is one formula which allows you to calculate it approximately: sum all consumption in watt of the system you want to attach to the UPS e multiply them for 1,6.
For example, if we calculate that between PC Gaming and any peripherals such as the PC monitor we have a load of 1400 watts, the consideration in VA it will be approx 2240.
Generally, for the only ones Gaming PC which contain a power pack 850 watts are enough about 1400 VA of power if we want to stay wide, but even less if among all the PC never gets to really consume 850 watts.
Best Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for Home and Office PCs
La economic band of UPS is typically a approximate sine wave and often it is not possible replace the battery.
With these PC UPS you can feed substantially consul and other devices, power supplies without active PFC or gaming setups extremely economic.
PowerWalker VI 850SE LCD

Power Walker is one of the companies that you hear more often nominate in the UPS for pc, famous for having several on its side models top of the range (as we will see later).
So let's start with theirs PowerWalker VI 850SE LCD, an uninterruptible power supply line interactive that in addition to mount one screen which allows you to keep an eye on i parameters UPS also allows you to protect the network from sudden surges la linea ethernet.
This UPS has 4 IEC sockets and, in addition, one USB port type B that allows you to keep the level area of battery da Windows.
At the level of power let's say that it is a product suitable for feed loads not exceeding 450 watts, therefore more suitable for office PCs, consoles and laptops (not Macs).
Forget it also connect it to a power supply with Active PFC, as the sine wave is approximated!
Atlantis Land A03-HP851 HostPower

Despite the maximum load of this UPS per PC,Atlantis Land da 850VA is one of the very few uninterruptible power supplies a sine wave pure under i 150 € that you can take home!
As for the Power Walker it is an uninterruptible power supply line interactive with battery replaceable, processor indoor, 3 IEC sockets it's a USB port to connect it to your PC and keep an eye on the level of the battery.
Here too we find one tech of protection from sudden changes voltage call AVR which automatically adjusts the voltage outgoing from the UPS towards thepower pack of the PC.
It is advisable for Office PC or gaming setups with integrated graphics in the processor, as its flow maximum is declared by the constructor for 480 watts.
Best Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) • Mid-range
In this band you will begin to find products capable of feed systems from 500 to 750 watts of power.
Above the 150 € in fact, UPSs start popping up with pure sine wave: is the band that we feel like advise you more if you want to stay with your back covered a enjoy your favorite games!
CyberPower CP900EPFCLCD

CyberPower is the other big company known for building well-respected PC UPSs, and this CP900EPFCLCD is no exception.
We are talking about a technology-based UPS for PC line-interactive but which presents a regulatore di tensione, sine wave pure suitable for configurations with Active PFC and replaceable battery.
The UPS in question also features 6 prese shucko (so we won't have to buy IEC adapters) that will allow you to connect even something else besides the PC, if you want!
Her battery will grant you 14 minutes of protection if the current should blow up, to allow you calmly to save work or quit play.
Being a UPS from 900VA is recommended for configurations that do not go to to consume more than 540 watts, so you can also consider it by mounting one components of a certain level.
Atlantis A03-HP1502

The sweet spot for yours gaming setup could very well be this PC UPS's Atlantis, which with approx 40 € more than CyberPower we have seen before guarantees a nice coverage.
It is in fact a UPS for PC line interactive da 1500VA, therefore designed to support loads up to 850 watts.
The sine wave is simulated but not approximated, which is why it is also good for power supplies with Active PFC, and certainly ranks in a very good range of price.
On the back it presents due shucko e two IEC sockets, so it allows you to connect other peripherals besides the PC.
Finally, like everyone else models of this range, allows you to keep an eye on the status of the battery means USB and holds up from 10 to 30 minutes if the power goes out.
Best Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) • High-end
If you want the top for your gaming station and you're not going to spare you, you have arrived in the section that suits you.
In high-end there are systems capable of supporting very large loads of energy without going to the shutdown Immediately, technology-based UPSs are also beginning to be seen online and.
CyberPower CP1300EPFCLCD

Things are starting to get done series with this home PC UPS CyberPower than with his 1300VA can safely support loads up to 750 watts.
We find everything there tech modern in terms of UPS line interactive can offer, with 6 prese shucko in the back, protection modem, USB to check the battery from the desktop and even two USB ports front charging.
The battery is also replaceable, hence this CyberPower it can be your playmate for many years to come!
In short, this product may already be yours endgame if you want to stay with your back covered.
PowerWalker VI 2000 CW

Ok, you want to connect the world to your PC UPS: monitor, maybe one consul, a card video recording, a card audio and who more has more put?
Let's jump 50 euros to recommend this PowerWalker VI 2000 CW, the top of the top as regards the UPS line interactive.
This is a PC UPS with well 8 uscite IEC and all the technologies we have already seen: starting with stabilizer voltage, the connection USB and the panel LCD that allow you to check it in real time.
on foot load (and I dare you to fill 1250 watts!) the UPS is given to hold up to 10 minutes should the current fail, thanks to his 4 battery integrated.
Needless to say then with this UPS you are literally in a barrel of… Current!
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for PC • Which to choose?
As you've got to find out, that's not the case with save its a component sensitive like UPS for yours Gaming PC.
As with PC power supplies, in fact, those who spend more spend less: going up in the mid-range you will already have a product that hardly you will plant in ace at the time of need!
As you have seen, we have given up on the UPS online with pure sine wave because now a good one line interactive is able to perform admirably his work.
If you are right curious and you don't want to mind expense, you can still think about buying the PowerWalker VFI 2000 AT, a nearly 500 euro online UPS that features the same features of the last we have seen more current filtering online and.