The best apps to sell musical instruments

One thing that happens to musicians is that they don’t know how to say no when they are given an instrument. For example, if you play the guitar and you are offered a new one, are you going to say no? The answer is clear, you will say yes and with a smile from ear to ear. But for a moment let’s be honest, you don’ t have that much space at home and sometimes your family and your partner don’t like you having more guitars than socks.

In 4Appslovers we propose you a list so you can make a trio of the instruments you want and the ones you don’t. But we do not recommend you to throw them away, unless they are already in very bad condition. What we recommend is that you put them on sale with the help of this list with the best apps to sell musical instruments.

What are the best apps to sell musical instruments?

From 4Appslovers we have done a search and analysis of the best applications we have found on the web to bring you a list of the best apps to sell musical instruments and you can get some extra money with that guitar you no longer play.

  • Sounds Market.
  • Vibbo.
  • Wallapop.
  • Thoman Official.

1. Sounds Market

The best apps to sell musical instruments

The application that we started with this list of applications for you to sell your instruments that you no longer play is Sounds Market.

In Sounds Market you can: Buy and sell used and new musical instruments, DJ equipment and music production to individuals and stores. Rent out instruments and sound equipment. Find rehearsal spaces, recording studios and concert venues near you. Give or receive lessons on any instrument, music production or DJ. Repair your instrument in the hands of the best experts and luthiers

Sounds Market Rating and Opinions

The best apps to sell musical instruments
The best apps to sell musical instruments

Good application with all kinds of possibilities indispensable for any musician. The only mistake, unfortunately, is that you cannot select the place you want to search, so you must accept the geolocation and be present in the place you want to search.

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The best apps to sell musical instruments

The application is a little orthopaedic, within the apps of buying and selling. The good thing is that it is specialized, the bad thing is that every time I go out it asks me to log in. Every time I include a new item to sell, it also asks me to log in again, and when you buy and sell a lot of things, it makes it easier for you to use any other app. Not bad, but it looks like an app that has a lot of detail left to polish.

The best apps to sell musical instruments

The possibility of adding a link to attach a demonstration video on the sale of an instrument would be a plus, other apps give that option and close sales very quickly.

The best apps to sell musical instruments

Jo, I have not found any 7 or 8 string guitar, I already have a 7 string guitar, but I was looking for another 8 or 7 string guitar to take with me on trips and keep the one I have while I travel with another 7 or 8 string guitar at a price between 100 to 300 euros I was looking for… There were no selections to look for 7-string or 8-string guitars… I didn’t have that option. But even so, I have seen many other very nice 6-string guitars. I would still be stubbornly interested in the 7-string and 8-string options

Sounds Market: Download

👉 Download here Sounds Market 👈

2. Vobbo

The best apps to sell musical instruments

The second application on the list of the best apps to sell musical instruments that you no longer use and only accumulate dust is Vibbo.

Vibbo is a free ad application where you can buy and sell all kinds of second-hand stuff. A giant app with lots of bargains on shoes, bikes, children’s clothes, cheap fashion, cars and motorcycles, baby carriages and anything else you can imagine .

Publish your ad for free in any of the categories covered by the app: upload images, product information, price it and start selling your stuff fast and close .

Reviews and opinions of Vibbo

The best apps to sell musical instruments
The best apps to sell musical instruments

The application is very good. The problem I find is that there is no way to check if an ad is a scam or not. It would be nice if you warned about scams and how to avoid being scammed.

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The best apps to sell musical instruments

It would still be good to create somehow a classic motorcycle section, most of the times it is not possible to advertise the bike with its real data, you have to invent it and then clarify it in the product description. It would also make it easier to do searches.

The best apps to sell musical instruments

The app is very good, but when it comes to the truth, you can change something in your profile, be it a photo, a location or something else, and it will automatically delete it. As for putting the product for sale does not let me select a category but 1 ° put it for sale and then edit to put the category and wait again to pass the review of the ad you put on sale. Please fix these common problems. THANK YOU

Vibbo: Download

👉 Download here Vibbo 👈


The best apps to sell musical instruments

The third application that we present to you so that you can take out some money with those musical instruments that only accumulate dust in the storage room is

Find the best discounts on music equipment, browse the only vintage pieces available, or create ads with your own equipment to sell. Discover a wide variety of new, used, and vintage equipment, including guitars, pedals, synthesizers, drums, microphones, and more from name brands, boutique manufacturers, and other musicians around the world .

You can also easily create ads for unused instruments and post them on our global community of musicians to earn money and fund your next purchase. Plus, you can increase your knowledge and find inspiration with our equipment demos, artist interviews, lesson videos and more .

Rating and reviews

The best apps to sell musical instruments
The best apps to sell musical instruments

It’s a great app where you can buy and sell guitars and equipment, plus you can set your policy in your online store, reverb meets the expectations. Just a small detail, the market for classical and flamenco guitars is booming and they are not like the electrics that all sound similar, they should make more distinction in the filters so that people find the instrument with the sound they are looking for.

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The best apps to sell musical instruments

I love Reverb because here I find what I am looking for and much more… Their prices are competitive and they offer a wide range of new and used products. It’s one of my favorite platforms.

The best apps to sell musical instruments

There are almost all kinds of materials and products related to musical instruments. Sellers of all kinds and dedicated to musical products. Essential to get products out of the catalogue.

The best apps to sell musical instruments

I have been able to find a lot of equipment at good prices and it is very safe. Download

👉 Download here 👈

4. Wallapop

The best apps to sell musical instruments

The fourth application we present you from the list of the best apps to sell musical instruments is Wallapop.

Wallapop is the leading platform for buying and selling used products . The free app that lets you earn money by selling what you don’t use and finding everything you need at a better price .

Make money selling what you want. It’s as easy as taking a picture of the product with your mobile phone and publishing it on wallapop. In a few seconds your item will be on sale and millions of people will see it .

Wallapop Rating and Reviews

The best apps to sell musical instruments
The best apps to sell musical instruments

Well, the only bad thing is that the insurance, which the app applies to shipments, shoots the price of the product up to 10 â?” in some cases (along with shipping costs) must always be calculated on 5 or more euros and also Post Office works quite badly, not updated, confused packages at the reception and happens in my province and the rest of the country, so I checked, are a disaster, but at least the packages take them to casaâ¦

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The best apps to sell musical instruments

Well in general, to improve: if you have already met someone, you should go out on a green dot (for example) if you have already bought/sold to that person, also when uploading several photos I always get errors, just like when editing the ad, a bar on the right would also be good for download or upload in the content, both individual and general seller, also that removing a favorite item from your list does not go to the I stayed the way you were going, thank you.

The best apps to sell musical instruments

So far it has been a good experience both in buying and selling. Perhaps the only thing that there are sellers who do not get to respond to chat. I guess if they don’t have the app installed in some cases this will happen. I don’t know how to improve that, even if it is to avoid waiting forever for a response, when they may have sold it outside or inside the app, and have not notified or removed the ad. What about ads with a renewable expiration date?

Wallapop: Download

👉 Download here Wallapop 👈

5. Thoman Official

The best apps to sell musical instruments

The last application that we present to you so that you can stop accumulating instruments in your house is Thoman Official.

Thoman Official is a buy-sell application that allows you to place ads for your instruments so that buyers can see them and decide if they want to buy them.

In this application you can also buy new factory instruments. It alsogives you the option to buy DJ tables or amplifiers or other things related to the world of music.

Thoman Official Rating and Reviews

The best apps to sell musical instruments
The best apps to sell musical instruments

It is an excellent application, one of the best I have seen. Whenever I need an instrument or accessory I find it quickly.

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The best apps to sell musical instruments

Absolutely great, without a doubt the best place to buy music content

The best apps to sell musical instruments

Very good experience with Thomann. Great music store

The best apps to sell musical instruments

Everything is very detailed and very easy to find

Thoman Official: Download

👉 Download here Thoman Official 👈

Comparison of the best apps to sell musical instruments

 Thoman OfficialReverb.comSounds Market
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