These are the most viral challenges that are trending on the TikTok platform, if you want to be a part of it, follow each of these challenges and have fun with laughter.
Over time, TikTok stopped being a social network for young people and has adopted all audiences. Rewarding the creativity of content creators, the phenomenon of this platform continues to overcome barriers.
Unless you've been living in a bubble for the past few years, you should learn more about a challenge that has gone viral on this platform. So we did a little one collection of those who are currently giving what to talk about for several reasons.
What are and what are the challenges of TikTok?
These challenges within the platform are the type of entertainment that generates the most views for content creators, but have you ever wondered what the challenges of TikTok and what really makes them so viral?
To understand it better, they consist in performing various actions that require a certain skill to perform them due to their difficulty level. Some better than others, it's what makes users want to try them out and demonstrate your potential to imitate them.
Don't miss out on these TikTok challenges to get the most out of the platform
Of course, like all viral content it has an expiration date. That is, a certain challenge can become popular for a certain time and then disappear. This duration will depend on the community itself and can last for days, weeks or even months.
Types of TikTok challenges
Le challenges on TikTok they are the most varied you can imagine. From dances, to exercises, to pranks, with your pet and anything you can imagine. Next, we tell you the most popular categories.
Challenges for couples
These types of challenges consist in many cases of performing a posture, choreography, demonstration of the ability to perform an action in pairs, questions and answers, among others.
Within the platform, they can become one of the most content "cute", as they are generally done in pairs, which in many cases can get a little heated.
Viral Couples Challenges: Doing it as a couple is better
Likewise, its purpose is have fun and have fun doing something fun with your partner and inspire others to do the same. A clear example of this type of challenge is the recent one #PlankChallege, which consisted of repeating the plank exercise for an uninterrupted month, increasing the duration a little more each day, starting from twenty seconds up to five minutes.
Challenges for children
There are simple challenges which do not involve any kind of risk or danger for the little ones when they are carried out. For the most part, they are quite funny and entertaining, even for the not so young.
One of the most popular in this category was #EmojiFaceChallenge, which is based on the imitation of the expression of four emojis. If you want to laugh for a while, feel free to give it a try.
Family challenges
Especially during the quarantine, the growth of these challenges on TikTok has been incredible. Being able to get your family members together to do something fun and having a different time, it has become one of the most popular themes.
The family can also share and participate in TikTok's viral challenges
Undoubtedly, one of the most viral was the #Nanana Challenge, which consists in performing a dance choreography following the song «Oh Nanana» di Bonde R300 with a partner. Do you dare to try it? We promise you will enjoy it.
Fun and entertaining challenges
These challenges beyond a great level of complexity, his intention is to see the skill of those who try to fulfill some simple tasks. The point is that many times over they don't have the necessary coordination - to say nothing - and it all ends in a big failure, this being the funniest and funniest thing.
It is the case of #DedosChallenge where you have to imitate the movements of the emoji sequence with your hands and fingers, which at first looks simple, but the results can be a lot of fun. If not, you can ask Nick, of the Jonas Brothers, who went viral for that challenge and not really for his great coordination in movements.
Challenges to dance
For dance lovers, there are many challenges on TikTok and bring to the try yours ability to move the hips. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular was #CNSCHALLENGE thanks to the group K-Pop BTS.
If you are passionate about dance, take advantage of the challenge that is in fashion on TikTok to show your skills
This challenge is based on the imitation of Hobi dancing in the song Chicken Noodle Soup J-Hpo and Becky G. From now on we have told you that if you want to try it, you will have to take all your skills to the dance floor and learn these choreographies which is not easy at all, but once you succeed, the result is wonderful.
Challenges to play sports
Sport has always been linked to viral content on social media. Some of these challenges motivate you to play a exercise like the #PlankChallege by which we discussed earlier.
However, others sporting challenges they consisted of testing people's abilities to perform an action, such as # 10ToquesChallenges. Focused on the world of football, he convinced both people in the community and elite athletes (such as Lionel Messi and many others) to join the trend.
It consisted of complete 10 touches on a roll of toilet paper as if it were a soccer ball, which tested even the most experienced of this sport.
Challenges to raise awareness
Not all of them challenges on TikTok they try to entertain and make people laugh. You can also find meaningful content that they seek to convey a positive message to the community.
Without going too far, #TheRealChallenge ne is an example. In addition to entertainment, try to show the consequences of bullying in the lives of those who suffer it and why it is important to stop it.
Through this challenge, many content creators have shared their experiences, sending a message of conscience that makes us think about the damage it is causing to this generation.
Dangerous challenges
TikTok has never been far from controversy for regarding the type of content that goes viral on the platform. This is why many challenges considered dangerous have become the topic of the day for many experts, who obviously advise against following this trend in the social network given the consequences it can generate for those who practice it.
Dangerous was never a good idea. Watch out for these kinds of challenges
Currently one of the more widespread and dangerous is what it consists of "correct" the shape of your teeth with a nail file. Faced with the viralization of this type of challenge, many specialists and celebrities have spoken of its danger.
Although it seems a harmless practice, the damage it generates can be irreversible, as the enamel or the dental nerve is severely damaged, causing a increased sensitivity or worse, the fracture of the tooth.
In addition to this, there have been many cases of dangerous challenges on the platform, where to name a few, it is possible to mention #FireChallenge (water of alcohol e give fire), #CinnamonChallenge (swallow a tablespoon of ground cinnamon) or the #SaltAndIceChallenge (put some salt on the skin and then squeeze an ice cube on the area with the salt)
In addition to trying to amuse and entertain, they turn out to be dangerous practices which end in to threaten the health and integrity of those who practice them. So we highly recommend you to do not attempt these kinds of challenges, for your well-being and for those around you.
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