Spellbreak's roadmap can be found here, so those wondering what comes after Spellbreak update 1.1 should give it a look (Clash, the 9v9 team deathmatch mode, remains on the schedule. as a “medium-term” objective, just like the “Chapters” focusing on history and Halloween an event). Below you will find the Spellbreak Update 1.1 Release Notes in their entirety: remember, this update consisted mostly of bug fixes and tweaks.
Spellbreak Update 1.1 Release Notes
Lightning Bolt's recovery animation can now be interrupted by casting a sorcery.
Fixed a critical case where someone's revive or exile could be canceled in order to cast spells faster.
Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented projectiles from registering damage even if they were hitting.
Fixed a netcode issue that caused other characters to appear to stutter / flicker or not update at full framerate.
Smoothed difference in aim assist force between different frame rates.
Fixed an exploit where aim assist could be much stronger than intended under certain combinations of target distance and input sensitivity.
Adjusted aim assist values for various console platforms.
Aim assist now decreases with distance.
The default Look Deadzone setting on Switch is now 0%.
Activation of some additional anti-cheating mechanisms.
The game mode now automatically switches to the team after completing the tutorial.
When a player accepts a party invitation while already in a match, they will receive a user interface notification and can choose to join the lobby immediately.
Fixed a bug that caused some players to get stuck on the initial title screen.
Fixed graphics settings that were reset to Ultra in some cases, although the game reported other values.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused very long loading times when entering a match.
Fixed an issue where the mouse would not revert to the point if the player used both a controller and a mouse to navigate menus.
Fixed cases where players would sometimes get stuck with a black screen during a match.
Fixed an issue where players could not load into a lobby with enough time to correctly select their drop portal.
Switch Pro and third-party controllers no longer send multiple inputs with the press of a single button.
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from seeing orbs of disturbed players.
Fixed an issue where the lowest ping match region was sometimes not correctly identified.
Fixed a crash due to changing the language in the pre-match lobby.
Fixed a black screen caused by waking up the console after one hour of idle in rest mode.
If an Xbox One gamer has turned off cross play in their system settings, Spellbreak will now properly block all interaction with players on other platforms.
Recent Spellbreak players now populate the recent player list linked to your Xbox Live account.
Players set to "Friendly Only" in their communication settings will no longer see voice chat blocked for their friends in Spellbreak.
The "Ready" button is no longer grayed out when joining a party through the Xbox Shell.
Fixed a crash caused by returning to the game after pressing the Home button in the middle of a match.
Players should be able to interact with things after being interrupted while aiming for a rune or ritual.
Players should no longer be stuck indefinitely on the reconnect screen after losing and restoring internet connection.
Fixed infinite loading screen when entering invalid account credentials during login.
Fixed missing hit sound effect when your damage is boosted.
If the same Spellbreak account is used to connect to two machines at the same time, the most recent connection will abort the session early to avoid data corruption.
Controller vibration settings now apply correctly in-game.
Fixed issues where item ping indicators would not draw / update correctly.
Added in translations for some previously untranslated texts.
Fixed a bug that could cause quests to disappear from the main menu when restarting the game.
Fixed the order of adjectives / nouns indicating the rarity of Latin languages on the collection screen.
Fixed Mana Vault animations getting out of sync with sound and timer.
Fixed an issue with Mana Chests where its pieces would sometimes glitter when the player walked on them.
Cleaned up some low res textures that could sometimes appear.
The volume of menu / UI sound effects is now properly controlled by the associated volume slider.
Fixed a crash caused by repeatedly pressing the confirm button on the squad loading screen.
Fixed instances of shadow appearing around the map.
Fixed a crash caused by displaying an item in the store while the rollover takes effect.
Ice Lance should no longer randomly generate a MASSIVE Arc of Ice.
Fixed a bug that caused 2 players with random outfits equipped to mirror each other.
Fixed crash caused by exile several times in the tutorial.
Fixed chests not being visible on player client.
And last but not least, a whole bunch of rarer crashes have been fixed.