Below, I'll be listing the Gauntlet Spellbreak combos in order of appearance on the Class Select screen, with each combo and how to trigger it listed below in a similar order. Alt-Casts will be mentioned first, as they tend to have the most impactful effects when combined. It'll be a meaty guide with a few minor duplicates (I'm guessing people will skip straight to their main class and overlook the other gauntlets), so don't be afraid to jump straight to the gauntlet and combos that interest you.
Combos Spellbreak
- Toxic
- Boulderfall will block the toxic spray and remove any toxic puddles it hits.
- Boulderfall can be blocked by toxic clouds.
- Shockwave will also remove toxic puddles from the ground, but the clouds will remain.
- Wind
- Boulderfall may change the direction of Tornado.
- It can also block wind shear attacks; great for dealing damage while dampening incoming attacks.
- Feu
- Boulderfall can be caught on fire by throwing it through the flames. As a bonus, it will leave a flaming puddle of water where it lands.
- Shockwave will also ignite, passing directly through the flames and leaving a trail of fire in its path.
- Shockwave can block fireballs.
- Electric
- Boulderfall can block lightning.
- Shockwave and Lightning Bolts can cancel each other out, but it's harder to achieve.
- Gel
- Boulderfall freezes when struck by an Ice Spear or after passing through an area of Lightning Freeze.
- Boulderfall will create blocks of ice after passing through a puddle of ice.
- Shockwave breaks ice, including puddles and frozen blocks. It will also eliminate puddles of water.
Combos toxicologues
- Calculation
- Toxic Cloud can block Boulderfall.
- The poisonous jet on the ground will be eliminated by Boulderfall and Shockwave (the latter will leave the toxic clouds behind)
- Wind
- Toxic Cloud will counter a tornado, but will be consumed in the process.
- Toxic spray can be added to a tornado for toxic effect (then later detonated with fire).
- Feu
- The poisonous cloud will become a fiery cloud when struck by a fireball, causing an explosion.
- Toxic Spray will mix with puddles of flame and flame, but the wall can only be changed segment by segment.
- Electric
- Toxic clouds and toxic puddles can be electrified by lightning.
- The poisonous spray absorbs lightning from any source and applies its damage to anyone it hits.
- Gel
- The toxic clouds are canceled and frozen by Ice Lance. This means that clouds can be used to block Ice Lance attacks.
- Toxic Spray will convert ice puddles into toxic puddles, leaving behind a toxic cloud.
Combos Tempest
- Calculation
- Tornado will change direction towards a Boulderfall.
- Wind shear can be blocked by Boulderfall.
- Toxic
- The tornado will become poisonous if hit by a poisonous spray or placed on a poisonous puddle (and will explode when hit by fire).
- Wind shear can become toxic when passing through toxic puddles or mists.
- Windshear can destroy toxic clouds, but only after five hits. It can also change the location of the cloud.
- Feu
- The tornado can be infused with fire if struck by a fireball, or through fire of any kind.
- Wind Shear will counter fire: it can be used to suppress segments of Flamewall and to extinguish flames elsewhere.
- Electric
- The tornado will become electrified when struck by lightning or lightning strike.
- Windshear will collect lightning it passes through, adding to its damage.
- Gel
- Tornado will hijack Ice Lance and purge any ice it encounters.
- The wind shear will destroy the puddles of ice and create a slowed ice haze that will eventually freeze any player caught in it.
- Wind shear will not go through instant frost.
Pyromanciens combos
- Calculation
- Flamewall and Fireball will ignite Shockwave attacks, leaving a flaming crack in the ground.
- The flames will also ignite Boulderfall.
- Fireball can be blocked by Shockwave.
- Toxic
- Flamewall segments will become poisonous when struck by poisonous spray.
- The fireballs will combine with the poisonous clouds to become fire clouds, leading to a volatile explosion.
- Throwing fire of any kind into a poisonous puddle will combine the two effects.
- Wind
- Flamewall and Fireball can be countered by Wind Shear - it will go through both.
- The fireball can ignite a tornado, and a flaming tornado can be triggered afterwards with a toxic attack.
- Electric
- Flamewall will not stop Lightning Strike.
- However, the fireballs will attract lightning and reduce their damage.
- Gel
- Flamewall and Fireball will both be turned off by Ice Lance and Flash Freeze.
- The fireball melts the ice - will turn any ice on the ground into water.
Conduit combos
- Calculation
- Lightning can be blocked by both Boulderfall and Shockwave.
- Shockwave and Lightning Bolts will cancel each other out.
- Toxic
- Lightning Strike and Lightning Bolts will electrify both poisonous clouds and poisonous puddles.
- Lightning Bolt is blocked by toxic clouds.
- Wind
- Lightning Strike and Lightning Bolt will electrify Tornado.
- Lightning from any source will electrify Wind Shear.
- Feu
- Lightning Strike will be fired at any Flamewall it is near.
- Lightning Bolt will pass through Flamewall, but with no additional effect.
- Gel
- Lightning Strike and Lightning Bolt will electrify pools of water and ice for added damage.
- Lightning Strike and Lightning Bolt will turn steam into ice. . . electric ice cream!
Combos Frostborn
- Calculation
- Ice of all kinds is broken by Shockwave, with the exception of large blocks of ice.
- Flash Freeze or Ice Lance can freeze Boulderfall.
- Puddles of ice will turn to mist when hit by Boulderfall.
- Toxic
- Flash Freeze and Ice Lance freeze toxic spray and toxic puddles.
- Lightning Freeze, Ice Spear, or Ground Ice will convert toxic clouds into large chunks of ice, freezing those around them.
- Wind
- Puddles of ice turn into ice fog when struck by wind shear.
- Ice Lance will be pulled towards Tornado, and Tornado will also purge all ice puddles and fog the contacts.
- Feu
- Flash Freeze will block flame arresters and convert fire to ice fog and vapor that will freeze players.
- Ice Lance will destroy segments of Flamewalls.
- The ice will become puddles of vapor under the effect of the fireballs; Ice Lance will transform this vapor into large blocks of ice.
- Electric
- Ice Lance will be electrified by Lightning Strike as it passes.
- Puddles of ice will be electrified by lightning.
- Ice that turns into vapor will become a block of ice if struck by lightning, and they will also be electrified.