Rogue Business is a tactical shooter with a focus on positioning, movement, and offside, so the shooter is much smoother and more intuitive than in games like Valorant or Apex Legends. For starters, the swap and downsight speed is more or less the same across the board, with only minor variation for "slower" weapons like the MLX Mark 4. You don't have to worry about this. type of things when selecting. your primary weapon, and switching between weapons is always faster than reloading.
You'll see range as a stat in weapon descriptions - it's the maximum range in meters at which the weapon deals all damage. The decrease in damage beyond this point is gradual and varies a bit from weapon to weapon. Dedicated sniper rifles typically have a very high drop range, and upgrading your sniper to level 3 completely removes damage reduction.
The head multiplier is almost universally x1,5 on all pistols, which places less emphasis on aiming and more on proper positioning and movement. That's what Hi-Rez means when they say Rogue Business is a hybrid between tactical gameplay and action.
Speaking of goal, there is no rogue company goal drift. Movement causes minor inaccuracy, as does continuous shooting, but nothing as intense as CSGO. Standing still and crouching adds a negligible first hit accuracy bonus. On a final note, all shotguns choke when aiming down, although the spread reduction is different for each weapon.

Now that we've sorted out the technical issue, let's take a look at how each weapon that Rogue Enterprise performs individually.
Rogue Company Weapons
Arbitrator. This high impact shotgun can easily 1hko at close range. It only fires two rounds before needing to reload, although that's more than enough to kill someone. It does run dry quickly, however, so try to combine it with ammo benefits if you can. The ADS throttling is important.
SKL-6. This powerful shotgun has good damage, tight spread, and good ADS choke. Reloads one shell at a time.
S12 Tactical. This is a flexible and user-friendly shotgun introduced with Vy. It has a slightly longer effective range than other Rogue Enterprise shotguns, but chokes less on ADS. It's easy to land shots with it, but not as good as the SKL-6 for taking down players. Reloads one shell at a time.
Striker 8 × 10. Lancer's fully automatic shotgun is very lethal when you're primarily in melee range, and much less if not due to the larger pellet deployment and less ADS throttling in the class. Its long recharge is compensated by the fact that you never really need to recharge it, because you're Lancer. However, other thieves should be wary of picking up a Striker if they are not used to it.
KA30. This flexible assault rifle is brutally effective at close to medium range. It has a relatively long reload time, so be sure to grab the level 1 upgrade as soon as possible.
HRM-30KS. This common assault rifle has a low rate of fire and small magazine capacity, but high bullet damage and a good damage range. It rewards precise gunners and is worth upgrading to level 3.
MLX Mark 4. This powerful hybrid rifle performs best at mid-range. It can threaten opponents at long range due to its built-in range and excellent accuracy, but its damage reduction isn't great, and trying to duel with a dedicated sniper will usually get you killed. Gets a lot better when built, so buy these upgrades.
Black nightshade. Vy's unique weapon looks cool, but its DPS and effective range are slightly lower than other Rogue Enterprise assault rifles. That said, the Nightshade is very precise, so you can count on headshots, and it comes with a built-in silencer as a bonus.
Mamba. The Maba is a hard-hitting burst rifle with very good attenuation range. It is perfect for holding angles and defending goals. It's worth upgrading if your team doesn't have a dedicated sniper, otherwise you can run it at the base.
MLX Maw. The only LMG in Rogue Enterprise at launch, it is a short and medium range weapon, simple and brutally effective. The DPS is actually not bad, and the Maw's shots can penetrate targets. The only downside to the Maw is its long 4 second reload time. With 60 spins per mag base, that really won't be a problem.
Executioner. One of the most common rogue handgun business, it is a powerful and flexible semi-automatic pistol that can work wonders with good footwork. Has the most damage per magazine of all pistols.
P12K. This silent pistol has similar DPS and mechanics to the Executioner, but it needs to fire more shots at the target to secure a kill, and unfortunately comes with a smaller magazine and slightly lower effective range. It's much more deadly when you sneak up on someone.
fire eater. This automatic pistol has good DPS but its low effective range and small magazine make it suboptimal in a standing fight. Use it for stealth attacks and to take out damaged and downed opponents from a distance.

Revolver LW6. Dallas' handgun is a powerful six-shot that offers the best drop range and burst damage in the class, but has low DPS. It doesn't need to be upgraded - it works like a reliable paver from the ground up.
A3 Except. This handgun generated a lot of hate during the Closed Beta, but it's secretly a formidable weapon. The Salvo shoots in bursts and is very reliable, getting consistent damage when fired from the hip.
24S. Lancer's SMG looks cool, but sits in the middle of the road in terms of stats. Don't buy upgrades until you have Evade and Life Drain, and even then your money might be better spent elsewhere.
D40-C. Chaac's futuristic-looking SMG works and handles like the rest of Rogue Company's SMGs. It is described as a "high capacity" weapon, and indeed it has 40 rounds per magnetic base, but this quality is offset by low bullet damage. Still, this pistol can ratatat a bit longer than the average SMG, so it can sometimes provide decent suppression fire.
LMP-X. It's the most accurate SMG Rogue Enterprise, but it's still an SMG, so you shouldn't rely on it in the mid-range and beyond. It comes with a silencer at the base.
SL-C. This SMG is pretty inaccurate until it's upgraded, but its extreme DPS is well worth it. Think of it as Rogue Enterprise's version of Apex Legends' R-99. Each of its buffs dramatically increases its potency, so you should put some money into it.
D3D-i. This powerful and flexible DMR can hit people from a distance with high precision shots, or up close with its excellent hipfire.
Although L2-12. A fast-firing DMR that is comparable to the D3D-i in terms of performance. Its large magazine and incredibly fast reload make it useful for all types of playstyles.
Devotion. Similar to the D3D-I and the Arren, the Devotion is slower but hits harder. Adapting to the general theme of Dallas as a gunslinger, this weapon can outperform the other two, but only if its user has a steady hand. At 1st level, his shots can penetrate targets. Reloads one bullet at a time.
MX-R. Another fast-firing DMR, the MX-R has below-average drop range and baseline accuracy, but is devastating at mid-range and becomes a very competent long-range weapon when fully focused. level. All of its upgrades are worth getting.
LR15 Fullbody. Rogue Company The most sniper-like sniper rifle, the Fullbody has only one use: to suppress people with headshots. It is worth spending your money on this weapon, as each level you upgrade brings a significant improvement.