How to make money
Making money with phasmophobia is very easy and very difficult at the same time. It's easy because the mechanics are actually pretty straightforward, especially compared to most other parts of the game. Achieving objectives gives you money with all the pictures you take of ghostly activity. We've covered how to take photos here, including the things you should take photos of, but in short, you'll want to take photos of all the lenses, the ghost itself, the fingerprints, bones, corpses ( of your fellow players) or the Ouija Board if it appears. Getting a good picture of one of them will net you around $ 10, a paltry sum, but it adds up. And once you get more of it, you'll want to use it to purchase gear. Of course, if you die you could lose everything, which brings us to the next question.
How insurance works
Insurance is the means used by gambling to reduce the impact of death. If you die during a mission, any equipment or items you brought are left behind. This can be quite costly, especially with higher level items like motion sensors and head cameras. Fortunately, you automatically have insurance that will take effect in the event of death, reimbursing you for some of the expenses you incurred (you know, to die). The level of assurance is determined by the difficulty level of the mission. Amateur levels will give you back 50% of the cost of your items, intermediaries will offer a 25% return, while professionals will not get anything back. If you die, all of your gear is gone and needs to be purchased again, so try not to let it happen.
But if so, at least now you know how to make money and how insurance works in phamophobia.