How to light smudge sticks
In case it is not clear from above, to ignite the smudge sticks you also need a lighter. Make sure you've purchased them and added them to your inventory if you really want to use them. Once they're there you need to collect both from your inventory, but a friend can help if you don't want to use your extra two slots.
When you're ready to light the smudge stick (see below for more on where and how to use them), simply switch to the lighter and right click or squeeze the left trigger to turn it on. Now just go back to smear sticks and hit F or the left trigger with a controller. This will turn on the smudge stick. If you have a friend holding the lighter, they may also walk towards you or light it on the ground, although that may be more difficult to work with. So this is how to light the smudge sticks, but what do they do and how to use them in the proper way?
How to use the smudge sticks to clean
Smudge sticks essentially clean up an area temporarily and prevent the ghost from entering its hunting phase. You'll want to use the smudge sticks in the ghost's room to get the most effect possible, so make sure you find it before lighting them, as they will burn out quickly. Once you know where to use them, simply turn them on using the tips above and wear them around the room or throw them on the floor.
The smoke will spread and then clear, indicating that it has been exhausted. Ghost activity may increase on the truck's monitors, but the ghost is now unable to participate in a hunt, so you are temporarily safe. Most ghosts will be cleansed for 90 seconds, but a spirit will be calmed for 180 seconds. However, if a hunt has already started, it will not stop it completely, it will save you time. Lighting and using smear sticks during a hunt will cause the ghost to stop for about six seconds (90 for a Yurei), giving you time to escape.
This is how to light the smear sticks and how to use them to cleanse phasmophobia.