No Man's Sky Origins patch 3.00 patch notes
- Planetary generation
- New planets have been created in most star systems.
- Planets can now generate much more varied terrain, including mountains four times the size of anything previously possible.
- Land generation for existing planets has not been affected and player bases have not been reset.
- Planetary visuals
- The rendering of planetary terrain has been significantly improved.
- The diversity of planetary colors has been greatly increased.
- The diversity of planetary lighting has been greatly increased.
- A large number of new plants, rocks, and other items have been added to each planet type, doubling the diversity available.
- Additionally, burnt planets have a chance to become volcanically active.
- Lush planets also have a chance to become swamps or swamps.
- Every planet has a small chance of being infested with bizarre alien growths.
- This generational change was done in such a way that no existing planet will see its fundamental type or danger changed.
- PC gamers with Planetary Visual Quality set to "Ultra" will see grass and other decorative accessories rendered over greater distances.
- Fixed a number of issues that could cause patches of grass and other items to disappear when near the player.
- Atmospheric visuals
- The visual quality of cloud rendering has been significantly improved.
- The pattern of clouds seen on a planet from space now matches the environmental conditions of the planet.
- During storms, cloud cover increases and darkens now.
- Cloud cover levels are now procedurally generated and vary from planet to planet.
- Cloud coverage levels now vary over time.
- Star system visuals
- Additional stars have been added to the universe.
- Some systems now have binary stars.
- There is a rare chance for a system to have ternary stars.
- Planetary fauna
- A large number of new, very exotic creatures have been added to the universe.
- Some unknown systems may contain planets populated with rare cybernetic life forms.
- The diversity of insects and flights has been increased.
- The behavior and animations of flying creatures have been significantly improved.
- Flying and swimming creatures can now assemble.
- Creature generation has been reset. However, discoveries of previous creatures are now noted in the "Extinct" section of the Discoveries page.
- New kitchen products have been added, reflecting the range of new meats and other sustainably harvested ingredients made possible by the new types of creatures.
- Planetary weather
- New weather and other atmospheric events have been added.
- Planets may encounter shooting stars and meteor showers. Distant meteor showers are beautiful, but it is advisable to avoid standing at the impact site.
- Lightning can now strike during storms.
- There is now a rare chance that tornadoes could form during a storm.
- Some worlds with extreme temperatures can experience firestorms, where the very surface of the planet can explode in flames.
- Anomalous planets can now experience strange gravitational events.
- During storms, the Exosuit can now take advantage of extreme conditions: overheated temperatures can be transformed into improved jetpack efficiency; freezing temperatures prevent overheating of the mining beam; high radioactivity increases mining efficiency; dense toxic gases can be recycled for extra endurance.
- Planetary buildings
- Previously empty planets now have a range of abandoned and / or old buildings.
- Colossal new planetary records have been added to Build Generation.
- The archives contain the historical and literary records of Gek, Korvax and Vy'keen.
- The archives also house a large number of NPCs and shops.
- The archives contain mapping stations which reveal the presence of ancient ruins nearby.
- Precious old objects can be exchanged in the archives. The presented artifact will be exchanged for a different item, and this cultural exchange will be rewarded with its status.
- Sand worms
- Some planets are now home to colossal worms. Mind the step.
- Traders
- Merchant ships sometimes land on the surface of the planet.
- These traders sell a range of exotic goods, including black market upgrade modules.
- Junkyard found about space stations will now trade pugneum for rare or exotic contraband items.
- User interface
- The in-game interface has received a complete visual overhaul, including the startup flow, all in-game menus and screens, and the analytics visor.
- The UI for the Space Station and the Planetary Base Teleporter now matches the UI used on the Space Anomaly.
- The teleporter interface now more consistently displays screenshots of the target base.
- The teleporter interface now displays information about the system or the warped planet, such as weather or system economy.
- The Discoveries page now displays more information about the location of creatures. For example, location information and active hours of the day are now listed.
- The Discoveries page now allows you to filter star systems based on inhabitants or solar class.
- Systems can now be hidden from the list of discovered systems.
- The system / planet view of the Discoveries page now displays more precise information about player bases.
- A local information guide has been added to the mission log. This guide displays detailed information about your current planet or star system, as well as tracking the progress of your discoveries.
- Planetary base markers now display the base name.
- Removing a base from the base computer now has a warning element to prevent accidental deletion.
- A number of places where the UI did not respect the long-press deactivation have been fixed.
- Fixed a number of visual issues with displaying Galaxy map information.
- The number of items in an inventory stack is now displayed in the pop-up header.
- Added a depth reading to the player's HUD underwater.
- Mode photo
- New photo mode filters have been added.
- Photo mode controls on fog and cloud density have been fixed and improved.
- Photo mode controls on thumbnails have been fixed.
- Photo mode control on FOV has been fixed and improved.
- Photo mode control of depth of field has been improved, with separate controls for depth of focus and distance.
- Photo mode now accurately captures stormy conditions.
- Photo Missions on the Mission Board now provide more help locating a suitable planet to take a photo.
- Crafts and objects
- A number of less used crafting items have been removed from the game.
- A smaller number of new crafting items have been added to replace them.
- The number of specialized survival products has been reduced. The stack size for the remaining Survival Products has been increased.
- The stack size for glass has been increased.
- A range of new buried objects have been added to the planets. These can be found and processed to reveal a range of new exotic and interesting items.
- Fixed a number of issues with items that were in the wrong place in the catalog.
- Multi-tool upgrades
- Multitools can now be upgraded at the Multitool Tech Merchant aboard most space stations.
- New inventory slots can be added, up to a maximum size for the current class. These locations cost a large number of units.
- The Multi-Tool class can also be improved for a significant amount of nanites.
- Multi-tool expansion slots allow the addition of an inventory slot for free. Find these upgrade circuits while exploring the planets.
- Portal interference
- Portal interference for conventional portals has been removed. Players can explore freely.
- After passing through a portal, the return portal will remain active until you leave the planet. Your old system is added to the list of available destinations on the space station teleporter.
- Other fixes
- Improved handling of the third person camera on slopes, to prevent the camera from getting stuck in the grass.
- Reduced third-person player and camera jitter.
- Improved the performance of the third person auto-tracking camera when going up and down steep slopes, so the camera tries to adjust to the angle of the slope.
- Reduced the force of auto-centering on the falling camera.
- Trade economies have been rebalanced so that the economy will be less affected by the mass sale of non-specialized items.
- Player Freighters now automatically supply energy to all basic parts placed on board.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the mining speed bonus from actually increasing the speed of the mining laser.
- Fixed an issue on the Nexus participants screen that caused the player's name to be blank if they were not on board the Space Anomaly.
- Added diminishing returns to resource extractors, so that after building a large number of extractors in one place, the amount that each new extractor extracts is slightly less.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mode selection screen to be invisible in ultra wide resolutions
- Fixed an issue that caused the Eye of the Korvax helmet to be black.
- Fixed an issue that prevented markers placed on crashed freighters from untagging.
- Fixed an issue that caused the lighting of the Children of Helios to be exaggerated.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to delete a Freighter Storage Room while standing inside.
- Fixed a number of issues with base building parts appearing incorrect when viewed from a distance.
- Fixed an issue where the lighting inside large cylindrical rooms was too bright.
- Fixed an issue that caused the text "% EXOTIC%" to appear in some Nexus mission descriptions.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some Abandoned Ships from being claimed, even though there were no NPCs with them.
- Fixed an issue that caused dead creatures to integrate into the terrain.
- Fixed an issue that caused lightning to be exaggerated on some rare accessories.
- Fixed an issue that caused underwater props to appear too bright.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mining laser's impact effect to remain active forever.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some time-based missions from starting correctly.
- Fixed an issue that caused some Mission UI elements to appear while warping.
- Fixed a mission blocker that could occur when granting a product and tech recipe at the same time.
- Fixed a number of interface errors that could occur during the inventory upgrade process.
- Fixed an issue that caused an inventory transfer warning to appear at inappropriate times.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Portable Refiner to miss its audio.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent mission markers from placing correctly when the player was in an abandoned system.
- Fixed a number of issues that could cause Nexus missions to mark the wrong system.
- Fixed a number of occasions where Geks were referred to as “that” rather than “they”.
- Fixed a text issue that could occur when exiting a Tech Store.
- Fixed an issue where NPC pilots did not have their name above their voicemail box.
- Fixed an issue where players would still receive Gek status for certain interactions, even though the interaction did not involve the Gek.
- Fixed an issue where Nexus Exploration Missions would send players to planets without many creatures.
- Fixed an issue where the description of creature rarity in the Discoveries menu was incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the description of a planet's flora and fauna was incorrect, for example saying that there was abundant fauna when there was not.
- The planets will no longer be called "paradise" if they have hostile environmental conditions.
- Fixed an issue that caused ship track customizations to appear on other players' ships.
- Fixed a mission blocker that could occur when mining cadmium for the Soul Engine.
- Fixed a number of issues with using the Steam overlay in VR.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Terrain Manipulator's flattening mode from syncing in Multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue that caused Exploration Frigates to display incorrect information when viewed through the Analysis Sight.
For more details on the Origins update, check out the official No Man's Sky website.