After months and months of being salivated Marvel’s Spider-Man has practically arrived on the shelves of all stores in the sector bringing with it a video game of all respect, certainly the best with our dear Peter Parker in the place of protagonist.
Given its exclusive Playstation 4 nature, the title of the most famous climbing wall in print and television is filled to the brim with trophies to be obtained once certain requirements are met.
Reading this guide we try to explain how to get them all.
Marvel’s Spider-Man Trophies Guide
Total Coverage
Activate all surveillance towers
To complete this trophy you must activate all the surveillance towers that are present on the map; the surveillance towers will appear marked after completing the first missions related to the story; they aim to reveal all the collectables on the map when activated. For a complete list of the towers, please refer to the guides that will be present at the "I Love Manhattan" trophy.
Short fuse
Get a Spectacular or better rating in a Taskmaster bomb challenge
To get this trophy you need to get a Spectacular level rating or higher in a Taskmaster bomb challenge. Read the content of the Counterintelligence trophy to better understand how to do it.
Hot fists
Get a Spectacular or higher rating in a Taskmaster combat challenge
To get this trophy you must get a Spectacular level rating or higher in a Taskmaster combat challenge. Read the content of the Counterintelligence trophy to better understand how to do it.
Get a Spectacular or higher rating in a Taskmaster stealth challenge
To get this trophy you need to get a Spectacular level rating or higher in a Taskmaster stealth challenge. Read the content of the Counterintelligence trophy to better understand how to do it.
Get a Spectacular rating or better in a Taskmaster drone challenge
To obtain this trophy you must obtain a Spectacular level rating or higher in a Taskmaster drone challenge.
The taskmaster challenges become available only after completing the main plot mission "Streets Of Poison" during Act 3 of Marvel’s Spider-Man .
The four different challenges that Taskmaster will offer the player are:
- Bomb Challenges: this kind of challenge will ask the player to disable all the bombs in a given area in the shortest possible time; to disable the bombs the player will have to get closer to being, press L1+R1 next to the bomb to pull it into the area and quickly press R1 to wrap it with Spider-Man's webs.
- Combat Challenges: This type of challenge will ask the player to shoot down several waves of enemies as quickly as possible and they will come at him in succession.
- Stealth Challenges: This kind of challenge will ask the player to eliminate a group of enemies as quickly as possible without being seen by them.
- Drone Challenges: This kind of challenge will ask the player to follow a drone through the buildings of Manhattan through all the blue circles that it will leave at checkpoints.
Each of these challenges has three degrees of completion that depend on the score obtained: the spectacular evaluation is in the middle, indicating that the challenges that will have to be faced to obtain this trophy do not have to be performed perfectly.
Two or three attempts will be enough to complete the challenges with Spectacular evaluation; if not, do not worry because the challenges are repeatable at any time after completing them for the first time; the symbol will remain on the map and can be visited at any time. If in a challenge you can't get the rating you want to change it to another equivalent; the game is full of them!
Challenge hunter
Complete at least once every Taskmaster challenge in the city
To obtain this trophy the player will have to complete all Taskmaster challenges in the city at least once; challenges appear after the "Streets Of Poison" mission available during Act 3 of the title.
There are sixteen different challenges within Manhattan, to see where all of them are located and see our tips for the "I Love Manhattan" trophy.
Research and Development
Complete all the search stations
To obtain this trophy the player must complete at least once all the search stations within the title. There are 17 of them and to find them all just follow the advice we gave inside the trophy "I Love Manhattan".
The advent of demons
Complete the first act
To get this trophy, all you need to do is to get on with the missions related to the story. This trophy is unlocked, specifically, by finishing the first act and completing the mission "And The Award Goes To".
Complete the second act
To get this trophy, all you need to do is to get on with the missions related to the story. This trophy is unlocked, specifically, by finishing the second act and completing the mission "Out of the frying pan".
End of games
Complete the third act
To get this trophy you just need to get on with the quests related to the story. This trophy is unlocked, specifically, by finishing the third (and final) act and completing the "Pax In Bello" mission.
After obtaining this trophy you can devote yourself completely to solving all the side quests, hunting for collectables and all the other things that remain in the game. In Marvel's Spiderman nothing can be lost as a result of an oversight or something like that.
Long live science!
Create 15 upgrades
To get this trophy you'll need to create fifteen different power-ups within the Gadget Upgrade menu. Modifications to the suits do not count towards this trophy.
To go to that menu you need to press the touchbar of the controller and click on Gadgets. Selecting a Gadget will allow the player to see all the various possible power-ups; these cost tokens, a bargaining chip that can be obtained by solving secondary tasks and finding collectables.
To complete this challenge as quickly and painlessly as possible, we recommend that you accumulate tokens up to the amount needed to buy fifteen random upgrades among those available. Once you have reached the required amount of tokens, all you have to do is make a manual save, buy fifteen upgrades, get the trophy and reload your save.
By doing so, you'll be able to upgrade your character as you like by getting the trophy as soon as possible.
Checkmate to Kingpin
Defeat Fisk
To get this trophy you must defeat Fisk, the first boss of the title. Such a bossfight can not be avoided and therefore this trophy is not missing in any way since it is part of history.
To get this trophy easily, we recommend that you immediately destroy the two turrets in the room by pressing L1+R1; then you will need to shoot cobwebs at Fisk to stun him and then perform a combo and damage him.
When Fisk calls for reinforcements it is advisable to defeat them first and then start again with the previously mentioned strategy against Fisk himself; in a few minutes it will all be over.
I think positive
Defeat them
To get this trophy you will need to win the third and final fight against Li, during one of the last moments of Act 3.
During the last fight against Li we advise you to dodge all his attacks until he gets tired, then it will be much easier to perform against him combos that can damage him. Once damaged enough just press the TRIANGLE button when prompted on screen to go to the next stage of the bossfight.
In this last phase it will be necessary to face Li and her demon at the same time, but the tactics remain almost the same. Dodge until fatigue takes over and then move on to the attack. To speed up the process you can pull objects of any kind at them through simultaneous pressure of R1+L1.
Defeat Electro and Vulture
To get this trophy you must complete the bossfight that sees as antagonists Electro and Vulture; they are part of the fourth bossfight in the game and are impossible to miss if you continue with the missions of the story.
This bossfight is a midair fight against two bosses at the same time; to eliminate Electro you'll need to shoot numerous cobwebs at him and then perform the usual combos. When he uses the power generators to pull out columns of energy that can damage Spiderman, it's time to pull out your cobwebs to destroy the generators; doing so will damage Electro.
After destroying the generators for the first time the fight will get tougher because Vulture will join the party; fortunately he's not too heavy and can be easily dodged using the RIM button; with TRIANGLE instead it will be possible to attack him doing it damage. Vulture is subject to the dizziness of our cobwebs and can be beaten with a combo.
The rhinoceros and the scorpion
Defeat Scorpion and Rhino
To get this trophy you must complete the bossfight that sees as antagonists Scorpion and Rhino; they are part of the fifth bossfight in the game and are not in any way missing because they are part of the missions related to the story.
The fight between Spider-Man, Scoprio and Rhino can be completed by following these tips: when the fight starts Rhino will make the first move; to eliminate him, simply direct him towards the destructible objects on the screen that will be able to damage him. When Rhino is stunned, you can attack him with combos to do as much damage as possible.
After Rhino has taken damage, Scorpion will also appear on the screen; the latter should be eliminated as soon as possible as it is very annoying but also has a small energy bar. You can poison Scorpion on Rhino's line of fire by making them collide with each other and causing the Scorpion boy a good amount of damage.
Scorpion itself is easily damaged by cobwebs and combos; once eliminated you can go back to Rhino's original tactics and objects on screen.
Last nail on the coffin
Defeat Tombstone
To get this trophy you must defeat Tombstone. Tombstone is an optional boss present at the end of a side quest consisting of three minor side quests.
The three missions to complete to eliminate Tombstone are as follows:
- Tombstone: On the Move
- Tombstone: What's He Building in There...
- Tombstone: Let's Get Ready To...
The first mission called On the Move can begin by going in front of the Octavius Industries Laboratories within the Greenwich district. This mission can also be completed after finishing the game, during the so-called post-game. By completing this mission you start the next one.
All the missions needed to fight Tombstone are very simple and full of indicators that explain what you need to do to complete the required objectives.
The combat with Tombstone will happen only after completing the third mission: it is necessary to attack it until it starts sending henchmen and subordinates of various kinds; once eliminated it will be necessary to return to attack it.
After scoring some combos Spider-Man will be able to get close enough to use the antidote on Tombstone, making him vulnerable after taking away his powers. At that point just pull all the objects in the room on him, stun him and consequently creating the time necessary to attack him by any means possible.
Stun and terrify!
Defeat the Joker
To obtain this trophy you must eliminate Joker, antagonist of the second bossfight present within the title. Joker is part of one of those bosses linked to the storyline missions, so it's impossible to miss the match and the trophy itself.
During the first phase you'll need to dodge all Joker attacks until the Joker decides to use an area attack that hits everything around him. After seeing him use that move you will notice that he will have lowered his shield; without a shield our opponent is vulnerable to our attacks so it is advisable to pull him some kind of object by pressing L1+R1 and then start to beat him up using all the combos at our disposal.
The second phase of this bossfight is roughly the same as the first except that our opponent has added a new large attack to his repertoire of moves. To avoid this attack our advice is to jump by pressing L2+R2 to stick to some wall; once you are behind your opponent you will have to wait for him to use his most powerful move to pull some kind of object. If the object hits it it will make it stunned for a few seconds, giving us a way and opportunity to use the best combos we know.
During the third phase of this bossifight our dear enemy is trapped under a big chandelier. In this situation we only have to dodge every possible attack until he stops to recharge his energy, giving us the opportunity to attack him using the chandelier itself with L1+R1. Destroyed the chandelier will finish the bossfight.
Extemporary Volatile
Walk along the roofs of the city
To get this trophy you simply have to vault above the palaces of Manhattan using your webs. This trophy is very easy to unlock as it will be one of the first things you do during the game.
King of the Lianas
Complete a level 1 mobility milestone
To obtain this trophy you must complete a level 1 mobility goal. To understand what we are talking about just press the touch-bar of the Playstation 4 joypad, go to the Goals tab and check the blue icons to search for mobility goals. Mobility goals control how many times you have performed a certain action or move sequence.
To complete the requests for this trophy, simply take one of the eight mobility goals from level 1 to level 2. To do this, simply choose something to do, such as "Turn close to the ground for 5000 meters" and complete it.
And don't move!
Complete a level 1 combat finish line
To obtain this trophy you must complete a level 1 combat finish line. To understand what we're talking about just press the touch-bar of the Playstation 4 joypad, go to the Goals tab and check the green icons to look for mobility goals. Combat goals control how many times you have performed a certain action or move sequence.
To complete the requests for this trophy, simply bring one of the nineteen combat achievements from level 1 to level 2. To do so just choose something very easy like "Trap 100 enemies using cobwebs" and complete it.
Catch all of Howard's pigeons.
To get this trophy you must capture all the pigeons of Howard, one of the secondary activities within the game. These pigeons are unlocked by completing the secondary mission "Helping Howard" within Chinatown; in this way the 12 pigeons will be marked on the map and it will be child's play to find them and to complete it all.
Free hugs
Crash 10 pairs of enemies using mine-snapping mines
To get this trophy, you need to crash ten pairs of enemies using the Mine Jerk object. Snap Mines are automatically unlocked by reaching the "Dual Purpose" mission, a mandatory mission linked to the story you face during Act Two. Reaching this mission will unlock that particular gadget.
The best way to crash the required pairs of enemies quickly and easily is inside Fisk's hideout in Harlem (if you've already completed the area within the main game you can return there any time you want from your hideout).
In this area there are enemies placed face to face in a particularly close position; throwing a mine between them will unleash a double KO necessary to advance the challenge.
Once you've eliminated this pair, simply press the "Start Again from Checkpoint" button from the game menu and repeat this action ten times.
Friendly Spider-Man
Complete all secondary missions
To get this trophy you will need to complete all sixteen side quests in the game.
Scientific method
Create your first enhancement
To obtain this trophy you will need to create an upgrade for your suit through the special menu analyzed in the description of the "Viva la scienza" trophy.
Perform 10 perfect dodges
To obtain this trophy you will need to perform ten perfect dodges within various fights even non-consecutive. First you will need to buy the "Perfect Dodge" skill from the "Defender" skill tree.
This ability allows Spider-Man to fully utilize his spider senses and dodge enemy attacks; when the screen attacks inbound and throw a spider web at your enemy.
Repeat this action ten times to get the coveted trophy.
Out of laps
Complete 10 eliminations in the car
During criminal events it will sometimes be necessary to complete a car chase. If you aim at 100% completion of the game you will have to do all 165 criminal events within the game, reaching almost automatically the conditions to unlock this trophy.
The car chases are randomly generated by the game; to complete them you will have to land on the roofs of the indicated vehicles by pressing the TRIANGLE button and pull the criminals out of the car; after taking the driver away you will have to press the SQUARED button to stop the car safely.
From great powers...
Pay homage to the tomb of Ben Parker
To obtain this trophy you must place your reverence at the tomb of Uncle Ben Parker inside the Harlem Cemetery. The cemetery is located in the northwest corner of Harlem's neighborhood. Once in the area, simply press the R3 button to highlight the tomb.
The Olympus of Heroes
Lurking at the top of the Avengers Tower
To get this trophy you will need to lurk on top of the tallest building in the game, the Avengers tower which is located in the middle of the district called "Upper East Side". The tower is perfectly recognizable for two reasons: it's the highest in the game and has a giant A printed on its top.
To get the trophy you just need to climb the tower until you start to see the two red lights on its top; touching one of the two you'll get the trophy and you'll automatically get the satisfaction for climbing the highest place in the game.
Photograph all the symbolic places on the map
Metropolitan Surfing
Ride the subway 5 times
To get this trophy you will need to use the Fast-Travel form inside the game, the subway. The subway is unlocked during the very first stages of Act 1 of Marvel’s Spider-Man .
The points where you can take the subway are marked on the map, so this trophy is literally a matter of repeatedly pressing one or more buttons to go continuously in the same oily.
Perform 4 different stunts in sequence before landing
To obtain this trophy you must perform four different aerial stunts before landing on a solid surface. First of all you need to buy the special "Aerobatics" skill from the tree dedicated to our spider skills.
Once you've got the skill, climb the tallest skyscraper you can think of, jump and hold down the TRIANGLE + ARROW buttons, then move the right analog stick in the four main directions to perform four different stunts before landing.
That's it, Marvel’s Spider-Man he faked Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for a moment.
Wear 5 new Spider-costumes
Perform 75 stealth eliminations
To get this trophy you will need to perform seventy-five stealth eliminations within the game. During the story missions, side quests and many non-mandatory activities the game will advise us to perform stealthy actions to progress, it is likely that you will achieve the completion of this challenge simply following the natural course of the title.
If this is not the case then you can learn how to perform the stealth actions: the furtive elimination from distance is performed by pressing the TRIANGLE button while aiming at an enemy far away from you; the close furtive elimination instead is performed by pressing the QUADRATO button when you are hanging above an enemy.
Both of these types of elimination are valid in order to achieve the conditions for the trophy.
In the absurd case that you have finished the game at 100% and have not yet obtained this trophy you can always try again stealth challenges from your hiding place.
Lost and Found
Get 5 backpacks
To get this trophy you will need to get 5 different backpacks hidden in different places in Manhattan.
City Spider
Say hello to 10 citizens
To get this trophy you will need to greet ten different citizens on the streets of Manhattan. To do so, simply walk the streets of the neighborhood and observe the white icons that may appear above the heads of the citizens themselves; when the white icon appears, simply press TRIANGOLO to make a greeting.
The white icons appear on average once every one or two minutes of walking along the street; all you have to do is to reach a crowded street where there are a lot of people, walk and press the corresponding button when you see the above mentioned icon. In just under ten minutes you will also have obtained this trophy.
Cats hatch us
Get a collectible item from Black Cat
To obtain this trophy you will need to obtain a single collectible Black Cat item; this trophy is automatically obtained by going forward in Marvel's Spiderman history, completing the Story-related Stakeout mission during the early stages of the game. During this mission you will need to take one of the Black Cat dolls, automatically completing the trophy.
Complete all optional projects in the workshop
In order to obtain this trophy it will be necessary to complete all the projects in the Octavius Industries laboratory, within the Greenwich district. Entering the laboratory it will be necessary to interact with the spectrograph on the left and with the projects concerning the circuits on the right.
Octavius Industries is a fast-travel point marked on the map and should be visited continuously to progress within the plot. There are 10 projects to be analyzed with the spectrograph and 10 projects concerning the circuits.
The spectrograph projects should be analyzed by putting DNA samples in the right order while the circuit projects are puzzles where the player will be asked to wire a circuit correctly.
Home base
Complete all the objectives in one base
To obtain this trophy it is necessary to complete all the objectives of a specific base. The bases are four types of opponent structures that is:
- Prisoners' hideouts
- Outposts of Sable
- Fisk's Hideouts
- Demons' deposits
They unlock themselves by continuing the normal course of history. Opening the game map, passing with the cursor above the bases you will notice two bonus requirements that are the extra goals to complete to get this trophy as well.
All bases are replayable after they have been captured; don't let the Spider-Man Guide Trophies intimidate you.

Master of masters
Defeat Taskmaster
To get this trophy you will need to complete all sixteen challenges organized by Taskmaster and then knock it down in combat. After completing the aforementioned sixteen Taskmaster challenges, Taskmaster will appear and challenge you to a duel.
Completing the challenges does not mean taking the maximum score on each of them, but you only need to take the minimum to consider the challenge completed.
Get all backpacks
To get this trophy you will need to get all the backpacks scattered around the game map. There are 55 backpacks and they are placed in hidden and barely visible places throughout Manhattan.
Cat Footprints
Track Black Cat
To get this trophy you will need to get all eleven collectible items from Black Cat and complete Cat's Cradle mission.
Sancta sanctorum
Dismantle all the Demons' deposits
To complete this mission it will be necessary to dismantle all five demon repositories hidden within Manhattan.
All the king's men
Dismantle all of Fisk's hideouts.
To obtain this trophy you will need to dismantle all six of Fisk's hideouts hidden within Manhattan.
Tactical Supremacy
Dismantle all outposts of Sable
To obtain this trophy you will need to dismantle all four Sable outposts hidden within Manhattan.
Back to the jail
Dismantle all the hideouts
To obtain this trophy you will need to dismantle all the hideouts of the inmates hidden within Manhattan.
Neighbourhood patrol
Complete all factional crimes in a neighborhood
To obtain this trophy you will need to complete all five types of crime within a single neighborhood in Manhattan.
Wardrobe four seasons
Buy all costumes
To get this trophy you need to buy all the game costumes.
To be correct to obtain this trophy you need 24 out of a total of 27 costumes; costumes that are obtained by completing 100% all the districts, finding all the backpacks or finding all the collectible items of Black Cat are not necessary to obtain the trophy.
Complete all the missions of the corrupt students
To obtain this trophy you will need to complete a series of side quests linked by a thread. The first mission among them that you can complete is during the second act, just after completing the mission linked to the "Spider-Hack" story.
After completing that mission you will discover that five different students have escaped and Philipp Chang at ESU in the Greenwich district will ask you to retrieve them somehow; they will be marked on the map through an icon of
Marvel’s Spider-Man Trophy Guide

Spider-Man Supreme
Unlock all skills
To get this trophy you must unlock all the skills of our favorite superhero. To get all thirty-three skills you will need to reach level 50 with our hero, the highest level reached in the game.
For each level up the game engine will give us skill points to use; to reach level 50 faster you should use the suit enhancer called "fight analyzer" which gives you extra experience for every landing you make while fighting an opponent.
If you don't want to simplify it just aim for the I Love Manhattan trophy; this last trophy will ask the player to fully complete the secondary activities of the game and will force him to do a lot of levels simply by playing and playing.
I Love Manhattan
100% complete all districts
To get this trophy you will need to complete 100% all the game quarters. First of all you will need to complete all the missions in the story to get all the types of collectables as they are unlocked by continuing with the mandatory missions.
To get 100% in all the neighborhoods you must complete all the secondary missions and find all the collectibles hidden in the various game quarters; using the surveillance towers they will be marked on the map through beacons.
The towers appear on the map after the first missions of the game, nothing is lost by following this process.
Marvel’s Spider-Man Guide Trophies
Be Better
Get all the trophies
Soon said: to get this trophy you simply need to get all the others. Easier said than done!