Instagram, the now well-known social network has transformed from a simple photographic dissemination social into a real instant messaging platform that allows its subscribers, among other features, to block annoying and / or inappropriate users. Blocking a follower is really simple: just open the profile to be blocked and select the item "Block user" in the section at the top.
Unfortunately it is not so easy to understand if we have been blocked by someone; Unlike Facebook (where blocked profiles are radically deleted and are no longer visible when they are added to the block list) on Instagram you can continue to see who blocks us.
How then?
We assume that the Social Network has not yet implemented an option that allows you to directly view who is blocking us. Therefore, all third-party apps and online tools are practically useless and don't work. The only way to find out, currently, is to try following the account or watching its posts.
The procedure in detail
Basically, if our intent is to see who blocked us on Instagram, we will have to proceed as follows:
- Search for the profile in question and access its wall;
- Try tapping the button Follow;
- It will be displayed for a moment Follow already, but, if this profile had added us to the block list, the button will be visible again Follow.
We can have further confirmation by consulting the gallery of the account in question. From the moment we are in the list of blocked users we will be able to see only the wording No posts yet and trying to open the details of his Followers we will see Unable to load users.
We have seen how to find out who blocked us on Instagram through tricks that present cumbersome procedures but which can always be useful. Before leaving you, to stay on the subject of photography, we would like to recommend reading this interesting article about zoom lenses for smartphones: