When you enter the Druid Grove at Baldur's Gate 3 and find a large mass of Tieflings trying to make their way through the Druid Ritual, you discover that one of the Tiefling Children has been kidnapped. She had been caught stealing the sacred statue of Silvanus from the druid and, due to such a gruesome crime, the current leader, Kagha, had decided to get rid of the child thief. You have the option of saving the child and bringing her back to her parents, but you have to make specific choices.
We strongly recommend that you save just before going too far into the cave where Kagha is located. Skill checks are tough, and we're not looking back to undo a save to get a preferred outcome.
When you enter the Druid's Cave and watch Kagha have a horned viper, Teela, is in front of Arabelle about to hit her. You have been given four options to choose from as you enter the scene, learning that Arabelle had stolen something from the Druids.
- 1. Thief? Poison? What is this real crime girl?
- 2. Imprison him? She's just a child.
- 3. Don't do anything
- 4. One of your guards outside said you wanted to see me. I am here.
Of these choices, we chose to go with the first option, researching why Kagha actually jailed Arabelle. Kagha aggressively calls Arabelle a parasite as she drinks the Druid's water, eats their food, and then shamelessly steals their sacred idol. The other druid, Rath, tries to convince Kagha to let the girl go. You then receive four more options.
- 1. [Nature] Don't Druids cherish harmony? Imprisoning the girl upsets the balance of nature.
- 2. [Persuasion] Free her. I'll see that she stays out of trouble.
- 3. Stay silent
- 4. Prepare to attack.
Unless you're prepared to fight everyone in this room and take on the other druids outside, you'd better stay away from the last option and attack Kagha. To best save Arabelle, you want to reason with Kagha, and going with the first option to perform a nature check would also allow her to see reason. The second choice where you take a persuasion test. Both tests have the same level of difficulty. But successfully rolling and making those options allowed Kagha to step back from harming Arabelle and she returns to her family.
Find Arabelle outside with her family, Locke and Marricko, to make sure she is safe. They give you a precious medallion that gives the wearer the ability to throw dancing lights, a cantrip evocation.