As far as there is a story in Rocket Arena, Jayto is said to have won the Rocket Arena trophy. How do you say? We're not exactly sure. He doesn't really excel in a remarkable way despite the effort he clearly puts into his hair. Nonetheless, if played with patience, Jayto can be a good all-around character who can handle a variety of situations.
Jayto - "Do it."
Jayto's characteristics include a bit of everything to the point of being bland. But he is also doing very well. He has a good jump, good speed, good weapons. You can drop him in any game mode or situation, and he's not inherently disadvantaged like some characters are. That said, we've found that there are ways to get the most out of Mr. Vanilla's arsenal.
- Skypiercer rockets
- Jayto's primary rockets. You guessed it: they are doing fine. They're precise and move quickly, although Jayto's rate of fire is just average. They can be effective, but are somewhat hampered by the fact that it has to reload every six shots.
- The best way to use Skypiercer rockets is to be patient. You're not going to be able to knock someone out with this on your own. They can, however, exert some pressure. It helps that Jayto is moving well enough to avoid getting shot and getting into better positions to do some of his own shooting.
- Thruster suit
- Jayto's special ability. Jayto's most redeeming factor is that he can essentially do what he normally does (which is very good) better by activating his Thruster suit.
- This will allow it to move faster, jump higher, and float more. This will also cause his Skypiercer rockets to fire in group shots which cover a much larger radius and also deal more damage.
- Use this special ability whenever you are about to participate in a combat encounter.
- However, note that it only lasts about 10 seconds and has a 15 second cool down.
- Rocket swarm
- Jayto's secondary disability. The Rocket Swarm is not too different from the Skypiercer Rockets. They move a bit faster and do a bit more damage (and can do better damage combined), but you'll need to make sure you hit your target. They shoot and land quickly, but if you shoot too far, there's a good chance your opponent can dodge quite easily.
- Unfortunately, these rockets take a heavy 10 second cooling. That's terribly long for something that isn't much more efficient than the basic Skypiercer rockets.
Strategies for Knockout / RocketBot Attack
While Jayto doesn't do anything fancy, he's not inherently held back by different modes or arenas. He can be a good all-round attacking player in the knockout, but chances are he won't carry the team. On the contrary, it works well when used patiently to eat away at your opponents. His speed and agility allows him to get out of hairy situations, so if you can keep yourself alive, he works well as an offensive supporting member for any Knockout team.
Strategies for Rocketball
Like in Knockout, Jayto can be a decent choice for most Rocketball situations. He falls flat on pure goal defense, but if the thruster suit is used effectively, he can move around, hit the ball, and fire a few shots at anyone nearby.
Strategies for Mega Rocket
Depending on the arena, Jayto can stand out quite well in Mega Rocket. If the arena is anything like the Golden Zephyr, where missiles don't land on flat areas, it can be especially good for entering an area and bypassing a structure to stay safe or stalk someone else. . The Thruster suit makes it even more efficient for moving around the arena and around structures. Just hope your teammates have heavier weapons to really knock out your opponents as you run around them.
Treasure hunting strategies
Jayto can serve you quite well in Treasure Hunt for reasons similar to Mega Rocket. Its mobility and general versatility make it a good candidate for grabbing the treasure chest, defending itself, and moving around as well. Make sure you always have your thruster primed and ready for the start of the parts phase so it can pick up more quickly.
He might not be a top contender in Rocket Arena, but he is a good choice for when you are dipping your toes in the water for the first time, or if you are looking to get out of it while familiarizing yourself with the arenas. .