Orokin Vaults in Warframe are parts hidden in Orokin Derelict missions that contain rare mods. They can only be opened with a dragon key and are marked with an intricate and ornate door. There are four different types of dragon key and the doors will only open with one key which is random for each door. The normal way to operate Orokin Vaults is with a full team, each person carrying a different Dragon Key in their cogwheel.
How to get the dragon keys
You can get Dragon Key Blueprints in your Dojo Clan's Orokin Lab. Each of the four keys needs a different blueprint, which you can create for 500 Credits, 250 Recovery, and 10 Void Traces. Every time you use a key to open a safe, it will be used. Therefore, the best practice is to create multiple keys at the start of a run.
All keys will have an effect on the Tenno wearing it.
- The bleeding key reduced health by 75%
- Decaying Key reduces shields by 75%
- The unlit key reduces damage by 75%
- Hobbled Key reduces speed by 50%
It is possible for a player to carry all four keys, but this is normally reserved for higher level players with an extremely well modified Warframe like Inaros. Some Warframes carry certain keys better. Volt and Nezha can bypass much of the Scrambled Key's speed reduction, while Nidus and Inaros don't have shields, so they can be used to carry the decaying key. The Bleeding Key or the Decaying Key can be worn by Rhino, who has the iron skin to overcome the problem.
Remember to equip the dragon key to your cogwheel before starting the mission.
How to find Orokin Vaults

Orokin chests can be found in Orokin Derelict missions on the Star Map, but will not appear in Defense of Assassination missions. The best mission to complete is the Abandoned Capture of Orokin, as you can grab the enemy and then take all the time you need to find the safe. The safe will have an ornate door, as shown in the image above. When you find the door, it will tell you which dragon key can open it, and then the player with the key will interact with it. Only one player needs to grab the item inside for all players to receive it as a reward at the end of the mission.
There is no particular trick to finding the door, they can appear anywhere on the map. With four players on the team, the search should be pretty quick. You can divide and cover different parts of the map. It's also a good idea to have your map superimposed on the screen, to make sure you don't miss any hallways or rooms. They can be hidden in the small broken tunnels that exist on these maps, so be sure to check everywhere.
Once you access the vault and the mission is complete, you can mine and all players on the team will be rewarded with a corrupted mod.
Orokon Vault Rewards
The reward for an Orokin Vault is a Corrupted Mod. Corrupted Mods will offer both positive and negative effect, and are normally part of endgame builds that want to take advantage of a certain attribute of a Warframe or weapon. Corrupted Mods can be removed for Warframes, Primary Weapons, Secondary Weapons, and Melee Weapons.
Corrupt Warframe mods
- Blind rage - strength increases, ability efficiency decreases
- Ephemeral expertise - ability efficiency increases, ability duration decreases
- Narrow - capacity duration increases, capacity range decreases
- Overshoot - capacity range increases, force decreases
- Transient strength - strength increases, ability duration decreases
Corrupted Primary Weapon Mods
- Critical Delay - improved critical chance, reduced rate of fire
- Heavy caliber - improved damage, reduced accuracy
- Infamous precision - reduced recoil, reduced rate of fire
- Tainted Mag - increase magazine capacity, reduce reload speed
- Vile Acceleration - increased rate of fire, reduced damage
- Recharge depleted - increased reload speed, reduced magazine capacity
- Loaded magazine - increased magazine capacity, reduced reload speed
- Vicious Spread - increased damage, increased shotgun spread
- Contaminated shell - reduced shotgun spread, reduced rate of fire
- Frail Momentum - increased rate of fire, reduced damage
- Critical Deceleration - increased critical chance, reduced rate of fire
Corrupted Secondary Weapon Mods
- Anemic Agility - increased rate of fire, reduced damage
- Crawling Bull's Eye - increase critical strike chance, lower rate of fire
- Hollow Point - increased critical damage, reduced damage
- Magnum Force - increased damage, reduced accuracy
- Corrupted clip - increased magazine capacity, reduced reload speed
Corrupted Melee Mods
- Spoiled Strike - increased damage, reduced attack speed
- Corrupted Charge - initial combo count increased, combo duration reduced