If you've built a teleporter in the Survivalists, there's a good chance you'll end up with a pile of unpowered wood and gold. Glowing rocks act as batteries for teleporters, and you'll need a lot of them to power multiple teleporters on the map. And you'll want multiple teleporters.
Finding glowing rocks is simple but comes with its own challenges. Like the gems that help build teleporters, Glowing Rocks are only found in an environmentally hazardous biome. To find glowing rocks you will need a raft with a sail and elixirs. Essences require clean water and can be prepared in the pot.
Glowing rocks are endgame items. They are not used for construction, but only to power teleporters. Powering the teleporters is important, but not if you don't have teleporters to begin with. If you find any glowing rocks, pick them up for future use, but don't go out of your way early to find them.
Glowing rocks look like precious stones. They are green and are found on large gray and green knots. They can only be found in the Swamp Biome with Metal Knots and Fruit Trees, and take more hits than a Metal Knot with a light pickaxe, so bring spare parts.
Similar to the Volcanic Biome, the Swamp Biome will slowly drain your health. The swamp has bugs that bite and harass you as you progress through the biome. We have found them to be more irritating than the heat in volcanic biomes. The heat is limited to certain parts of the biome and only affects you if you stand on it. Insects are a constant presence in the swamp biome. You will need several essences to endure it.