The Last of Us Part II is often a level design masterclass with open but well-wired paths to follow. Ellie's first day in Seattle, however, is a little different. Here the game opens briefly, allowing you to freely explore various locations in downtown Seattle. Visiting them all will earn you the Sightseer Trophy and quite a few supplies. To make sure you don't miss any of the optional slots, you're going to want to check your map frequently.
The 10 locations in downtown Seattle
A complete map with the 10 marked locationsBesides the FEDRA Gate that Ellie and Dina first encounter, there are 10 locations you'll need to explore fully in order to unlock the Sightseer Trophy, eight of which are completely optional. As Ellie and Dina walk through the area, Ellie will follow any clues she detects with a question mark and cross out any locations that have been erased. The map itself can be picked up just outside of Seattle from a construction trailer along the freeway, but if you miss it, it will randomly appear in drawers throughout the level.
Westlake Bank at the corner of 5th and James
This is the only optional location where you will encounter enemies, but well worth the excursion. Head under the collapsed facade in the bank, take out the infected one you find and you'll be treated with a cute shotgun in the safe.
Building destroyed at the corner of 6th and Marion
There is not much in this destroyed building. All you need to do to clear this area is go up what is left of the interior staircase and drill a few windows to collect everything from the overhang of the building.
Music store on 5
On the east side of 5th Avenue between Marion and Madison, you will find the Valiant Music Shop. Inside there are supplies you can pick up, and on the second floor is a guitar you can play for Dina. Head up there to get to the next location as well.
FEDRA checkpoint in front of the music store
From the second floor of the music store, you can walk through a FEDRA checkpoint to find a tent with supplies and a workbench inside. Ellie will pull a key from her map to indicate this location.
Gate West 2 on Madison
Just north of the FEDRA tent is West Gate 2. Slip between the fences and you'll find a safe that you can attack. The combination for the safe is 0451, the same as the West 2 code written on the piece of paper Ellie would have found earlier, before entering the area.
Café Ruston at the corner of 5th and Spring
Inside the cafe you'll find more supplies, as well as the key to the Barko pet store, the next place you'll want to visit.
Barko's Pet Store le 6
Across from the Valorant Music Store, you'll find the Barko Pet Store. You will need to use the key on the door on the side of the building to enter. Inside you'll find an additional rifle holster that you can use as well.
Under the I-5 viaduct
Between Madison and Spring, you'll find a collapsed portion of the I-5 overpass. Here there is an abandoned FEDRA truck, you will need to enter to clear the last optional location.
The synagogue of 5
Between Marion and Columbia is the synagogue. This is one of the must-see places Ellie and Dina will have to visit.
The courthouse between Spring and Madison
You'll need to enter the courthouse parking lot from the side of the building to find the gas Ellie and Dina need to advance the game's main story.
Once you've explored all the locations in downtown Seattle, you'll unlock the Sightseer Trophy. If you run out, you can always go back and play the level via the chapter select option. You will only have to visit the places you missed the first time, then the trophy will be yours.