Disintegration doesn't do a lot of boss fights. In fact, there is only one that you would consider a real boss battle. This takes place during Chapter Seven - The Play - and involves you going up against the antagonist Black Shuck to retrieve something he stole from you. This battle can take a while if you are not sure what you are supposed to do. It naturally gets harder on tougher difficulties - more on that later - but, if you're after some tips on how to beat Black Shuck, we're here to help.
How to beat Black Shuck in Disintegration Chapter 7

The Black Shuck boss fight takes place at the end of The Play. Like you, Black Shuck has a gravcycle and takes off after picking up a vital item you've been looking for throughout the mission.
First of all, you have to chase him through the narrow streets. This part is easy no matter how difficult you are. Just follow your waypoint marker, defeat Rayon on your way, and eventually you'll encounter the boss battle. Before engaging Black Shuck, take out all Rayon soldiers and tanks. If you don't, they will make the battle harder. Once they are defeated, use the health regeneration orbs they drop to recharge your health meter.
Now the real battle begins. Black Shuck is hiding in the back behind a building. Switch to your rocket weapon and hold RT on Xbox One, R2 on PS4, or the left mouse button on PC. This charges the rockets and prepares them to fire. Head to Black Shuck. Make sure your reticle is over it or your rockets will miss. Release your fire button to pepper it with rockets. He will rush forward and retaliate. Use your boost ability - A on Xbox One, cross on PS4, or Spacebar on PC - to dodge them.
Your rockets will need about 10 seconds to recharge. Dance around Black Shuck - using the buildings as cover - so he can't hit you with his rockets. If some are heading your way, boost them to avoid them. Once your rockets are reloaded, follow the same process. If you desperately need to retaliate because he's attacking too much, switch to your chaingun. Unload into Black Shuck and it will cause him to dodge and fly away, giving you some breathing space.
Rayon soldiers will occasionally fall from the sky to give you an added challenge. Use your chaingun to kill them and get an orb of health regeneration if Black Shuck has done too much damage. Be aware that he will always shoot you during these encounters, so keep dodging if you can. Once Black Shuck is nearly defeated, he will retreat to a confined area at the back of the plaza. Follow him and beat Rayonne's little resistance on your way. Take health regeneration orbs to restore your health.
Use the same process in the claustrophobic area to continue dealing damage to Black Shuck. There's not a lot of leeway here, so your rockets should hit more precisely. The same will be true, however, so use the pillars around you to cover yourself when he pulls them. Keep doing what we told you and you will beat him.
If you are playing on Maverick or Outlaw difficulty, this battle will be very difficult. Black Shuck's health automatically regenerates if he doesn't take damage during a small spell, which will make combat more difficult. He's also more aggressive on these settings, so you'll have to increase and dodge more often to avoid his fire. Try to follow our tips above for encounters on these difficulties, but keep in mind that it will be more difficult to kill due to its regeneration abilities.