Whether you're browsing genres for what to watch or just enjoying the end credits of a movie, AutoPlay is the bane of any observer who isn't ready to pounce like a wildcat to stop the next episode from happening. 'a series of play automatically.
In other words, autoplay is boring - and now there is a way to permanently disable it on your account. You can turn this feature on / off in your settings, and we'll walk you through how to do it in the easiest way possible below. This is very easy, and doing so can save savvy observers from being subjected to the trailers and whims of.
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There are two settings you can turn off to suppress autoplay - automatic trailer reading during navigation, and next episode autoplay.
- How to turn off autoplay:
- Log in to Netflix on a web browser.
- Left click on the icon in the upper right corner - select Manage profiles in the drop-down menu.
- Select the profile you want to change.
- On the Edit profile menu, uncheck the options under Autoplay controls.
- Left click save to complete these changes.
There are two new boxes under which you can enable / disable Autoplay controls.
- Automatically play the next episode in a series on all devices.
- Automatically play previews while browsing on all devices.
If you uncheck these boxes, autoplay will be disabled on all devices. So you won't have to manage autoplay on your console or smart devices. It may take a while for these changes to take effect, so don't expect an instant change across all of your devices. If you want to force an update, just switch to another profile and then go back to the profile you want to use.
Now Netflix just needs to stop skipping credits on movies. I need this period of relaxation after a movie to reflect on how I just spent two hours of my life.