Combat will become a regular thing for you in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. You're going to find yourself fighting waves of enemies in the game, and they are smart. Many of them will follow you and try to compromise your position - the best way to fight a lot of them is to reverse your tactics on the fly. A simple way to do this is to learn how to switch shoulders when aiming your weapon correctly. There is a quick way to do this, but the game doesn't tell you directly.
How to Change Shoulder Down Points of View in Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Before you can switch shoulders, you don't have to aim directly at the center of your weapon when you're in first person. There is a distinct difference. If you are aiming in first person, you will only see the range. If you're in third person, you'll be looking over your character's shoulder. To go over your character's shoulder, press the "Alt" key, if you are on the mouse and keyboard. If you're using a controller, you're going to need to tap your right thumb. You should be able to look over your character's shoulder while aiming your weapon.
Related, related, related: Can you place weapons in a breakpoint in Ghost Recon?
Now perspective is vital. You might be able to see your enemies better on one side, but it won't last forever. You're going to need to turn things around and do that and switch between the right and left sides of your character. To do this, you will need to press the middle mouse button. For those using a controller, you're going to want to press the right button on the bumper. You should now be able to switch from right to left seamlessly.
It is important to remember to use this maneuver when you are in the middle of a close quarters fight, especially when you are indoors. Walls and small hallways allow an enemy to quickly sneak up on you and you may be able to see them better from one side than the other.
There is a lot more to learn about Ghost Recon Breakpoint. If you're still not sure if you're interested in the game, be sure to check out our article on the title.