Shark mount is earned after gaining over 10 points during a sea fishing trip.
I'll be very quick: crossing this threshold will require abilities that are not available to novice anglers, so those below level 60 will have a hard time hitting 10 points. However, they shouldn't be discouraged: experience alone will get them to this point sooner than mindless grinding would, and everyone on the boat contributes the bonuses and spectral currents needed to push the final score into the sea. five-digit range.
I say this because Double Hook will prove to be vital during “rainbows” (the name the community has given to spectral currents). If used during a medium or heavy tug, you can bring in two rare fish for double the points, as u / FerretFromMars attests (however, it is best to save it for those !!! tugs). This means you need to save a GP for rainbows, so Patience 1 is best used during regular fishing to not only increase your score with high quality fish, but to increase your chances of triggering a rainbow. -sky. It is also better to save the plump worms (used to catch bigger fish) for the rainbows (to get those !!! tugs).
Triggering spectral currents is the hard part, but anyone on the boat can do it. Essentially, each area on a route has special objectives that must be completed to trigger the rainbow. For example, Outer Galadion Bay requires a player to first catch three Gladion Chovy with no fishing interruption (high quality not required), then use the Fisher Intuition buff they receive to catch a spectral megalodon.
Essentially, the rare spectral fish are what you need to set off a spectral current, and the community is still piecing together what every sea fishing area needs to attract these elusive getaways. The reason rainbows are important to the mount is because of the unpleasant number of points that are earned each time they are up. You catch rare fish left, right, front and center when a Rainbow is active (thus using Double Hook during them), which increases your score astronomically. u / FerretFromMars recommends having a rainbow in each of the three stops, but others claim you can hit 10 points with two.
Needless to say, you'll want to bring a large store of Cordials and Hi-Cordials (Hi-Cordials preferred) to maximize the patience and double crochet opportunities. With each shutdown lasting seven minutes, you can easily display one and have the timer refresh in the next location.
The key is to get 5 points without a bonus, but more is definitely better. If you and your team manage to net enough bonuses, you should see your score catapult over 500, and the shark mount will be yours. Another day another Final Fantasy XIV mount to covet and adore.