For guides on how to use these rugs or how to earn them as a Fisherman, check out our guides for Expert Crafting, Tiara Fishing, Tiara Weather Nodes, and an easy to level 80 crafting macro. use!
The Etheric Auger is charged by gathering and used to harvest a multitude of mob drops.
Upon entering the Tiara, everyone will be equipped with an Aetheric Worm that is tied to the Service Action shortcut. Loading the world-destroying weapon requires only one action: gather. Each item you collect fills the load bar, which replaces the Limit Break bar. You can store up to five full charges at a time, so either use them when they fill up or put them in reserve for a material rush. By the way, the load builds up much slower for fishermen.
Crowd drops are plentiful, and there is a method for cultivating them. Each mob type will drop a specific form of material, which I'll break down below. To put it simply: Rock mobs will give up mining materials, and herbal mobs will give up botanist materials. Sprites will drop crystals, but the type is random. Aside from sprites, each mob will drop ten to thirty of each of the listed items, although crafting materials won't always appear. Additionally, mob packs can be found in large groups on the lowest floating Gray Islands, so when referencing location, these are the best places to find your brand.
So, without further ado, here's a list of every mob and what they're giving up. I'll start with the miners crowds, then follow with the botany crowds. Next to each mob is their location, and next to each mob drop are the crafting classes that use that item. For those of you who prefer a visual guide, u / Deuxclydion on Reddit put together and an awesome reference I recommend checking out.
- Miner Mob Drops
- Diadem Beast (south-eastern pavilion)
- Hemp Skybuilders Tier 10 Tier 2 (For Armorers, Blacksmiths, and Goldsmiths)
- Level 2 Skybuilders Asphaltum (for Alchemists and Armorers)
- Level 70 Grade 2 Skybuilders 'Alumen (for Alchemists, Carpenters, et Leatherworkers)
- Skybuilders Level 80 Level 2 Cloudfall Water (For Alchemists, Culinarians, and Weavers)
- Skybuilders Level 80 Star Grade 2 Craft Spring Water (for Culinarians and Goldsmiths)
- Diadem Coblyn (Northwest, Southwest and Southeast pavilions)
- Tier 10 Tier 2 Skybuilders' Iron Sable (for Armourers, Blacksmiths, and Goldsmiths)
- Mica Skybuilders level 2 (for gunsmiths, blacksmiths and carpenters)
- Flint Skybuilders level 70 (for gunsmiths, blacksmiths and goldsmiths)
- Level 80 Level 2 Skybuilders Basalt (For Gunsmiths, Blacksmiths, and Goldsmiths)
- Jade Artisanal Skybuilders level 80 Star Grade 2 (for gunsmiths, silversmiths and weavers)
- Diadem Grolem (north-west, north-east and south-west pavilions)
- Level 10 Skybuilders Ore (for Gunsmiths and Blacksmiths)
- Level 60 Level 2 Skybuilders Cobalt Ore (For Gunsmiths, Blacksmiths, and Goldsmiths)
- Level 70 Level 2 Skybuilders Mythritis Ore (for Gunsmiths and Blacksmiths)
- Level 80 Skybuilders Level 2 Dark Steel Ore (For Gunsmiths and Blacksmiths)
- Level 2 Crafted Skybuilder Cloudstone Level 80 Star (For Gunsmiths and Blacksmiths)
- Diadem Urolith (north-east, south-west and south-east pavilions)
- Level 10 Skybuilders Rock Salt (for Alchemists, Carpenters, and Culinarians)
- Level 2 Skybuilders Level 60 Mythril Sand (for Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Goldsmiths)
- Tier 70 Tier 2 Skybuilders Rocks (for Armorers, Blacksmiths, and Goldsmiths)
- Level 80 Level 2 Skybuilders' Imp (for Armor and Goldsmiths)
- Sable Aurum Regis Artisanal Skybuilders Level 80 Star Grade 2 (for Blacksmiths and Goldsmiths)
- Islekeeper (Southwest and Southeast Pavilions)
- Level 10 Level 2 Skybuilders Copper Sand (for Alchemists and Goldsmiths)
- Level 2 Skybuilders Pigment (for Alchemists, Goldsmiths, and Leatherworkers)
- Skybuilders Level 70 Level 2 Spring Water (for Alchemists, Culinarians and Weavers)
- Level 2 Skybuilders Level 80 Crystalline Rock Salt (for Alchemists and Culinarians)
- Level 2 Star Builders Craft Rock Salt Level 2 Star (for Alchemists, Culinarians, and Weavers)
- Diadem Beast (south-eastern pavilion)
- Botanist Mob Drops
- Ageless Melia (Northwest and Northeast Pavilions)
- Skybuilders level 10 level 2 switches (for carpenters and leatherworkers)
- Skybuilders Level 60 Level 2 Teak Logs (for Carpenters and Weavers)
- Skybuilders Level 70 Oak Logs (for Alchemists and Carpenters)
- Skybuilders Level 80 Level 2 Walnut Logs (For Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Leatherworkers)
- Heavenly Builder Crafted Logs level 80, level 2 (for gunsmiths, carpenters, and leatherworkers)
- Cloudtrap (Northwest and Southwest pavilions)
- Hemp Skybuilders Level 10 Grade 2 (for Culinarians and Weavers)
- Level 2, Level 2 Skybuilders' Mistletoe (for weavers and weavers)
- Tier 2 Tier 2 Skybuilders Feathers (for Leatherworkers and Weavers)
- Level 80 Level 2 Skybuilders Resin (for Goldsmiths and Weavers)
- Star Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders (for Blacksmiths and Carpenters) craft hardened sap
- Tiara Bulb (Northwest and Northeast Pavilions)
- Level 10 Skybuilders' Maple Sap (for Culinarians, Leatherworkers, and Weavers)
- Straw of Tier 2 Tier 2 Skybuilders (for Leatherworkers and Weavers)
- Level 70 Skybuilders Toads (for Culinarians and Leatherworkers)
- Level 80 Cotton Pods for Skybuilders (for Carpenters, Leatherworkers, and Weavers)
- Tier 2 Crafted Cotton Tier 2 Stars for Sky Craftsmen (for Leatherworkers and Weavers)
- Diadem Wood Grolem (Southwest and Southeast Pavilions)
- Skybuilders level 10 maple logs (for carpenters and leatherworkers)
- Level 60 Level 2 Skybuilders Beehives (for Alchemists and Culinarians)
- Level 70 Grade 2 Skybuilders' Vines (for Culinarians and Weavers)
- Wheat Skybuilders level 80 level 2 (for Carpenters and Culinarians)
- Artisanal Wheat Skybuilders Star Level 2 (for carpenters and culinary)
- Proto-noctilucale (northeast, southwest and southeast pavilions)
- Lin 10 from Level 10 Skybuilders (for Alchemists and Weavers)
- Tier 2 Tier 2 Skybuilders' Tea Leaves (for Culinarians and Leatherworkers)
- Level 70 Skybuilders Barbgrass (for Carpenters and Goldsmiths)
- Level 80 Skybuilders adders (for alchemists and leatherworkers)
- Crafted Dawn Lizards of Level 80 Skybuilders, Level 2
- Ageless Melia (Northwest and Northeast Pavilions)
To learn more, check out our guides for expert crafting, tiara fishing, tiara weather nodes, and one for an easy-to-use level 80 crafting macro!