Monster Hunter World is a simple game in many ways. You make a character, you live in a world, you hunt monsters. In the expanded version, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, you venture to another part of the New World where there is a lot - you guessed it - ice. The simplicity of the general formula turned this most recent entry in the long-running series into a smash hit when it released in 2017, but the deep game systems and consistent feed of high-quality content kept people going. on the long term. Of course, it helps to have a cat companion to go on an adventure with you.
After originally slated for May 2020, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's latest update — Title Update 4 - arrives on July 9, 2020, and it's as juicy as roast chicken you can make to feed your cat ( or use it as a club).
Content of the new update
There's a lot to look forward to in the new update, but the Meat will be with a new Elder Dragon to hunt. Elder Dragons are some of the toughest bosses in the New World, and the Title 4 update will further increase the challenge with Alatreon. This "Blazing Black Dragon" will be able to change the type of item it uses, so you'll need to prepare yourself with gear that offers resistances for different types of damage. Additionally, you'll want to be able to repair the damage yourself by attacking Altareon with the same type of item he uses against you.
Beyond hunting Alatreon, you'll be able to craft a new, soft armor from the skin of the Ancient Dragon. After crafting the 14 new Alatreon-specific pieces of armor, you'll be able to get a new set bonus - Alatreon Divinity - which will match your elemental resistances to your elemental damage.
Alatreon's arrival isn't the only thing coming to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne this summer. There will also be the Sizzling Spice Fest and the Frostfang Barloth Event Quest to prepare for.
What you need to access Title Update 4
Before you go after Altareon, you need to make sure that you have the extended version Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, and not just the base game. In addition, you will also need to be at least a Rank 24 Master and have completed the Safi'jiiva Reconnaissance Assignment. If you've just purchased the game or are looking to get started now, Capcom has implemented a number of features to help players progress to new content faster.
As a free download, players can obtain the Defender Weapon Tree and Guardian Armor Sets right at the start of their quest. This gear can allow the player to forget about crafting and power through the base game. Having said that, the early elements are great, but there are plenty of reasons for wanting Iceborne. Alatreon is waiting for you.