The Far From It series is a first-person shooter, released by Ubisoft, places players into the perspective of a stranded character who must then survive in a remote location using the terrain and supplies they find. , with a notable villain with a dangerous plan. The first details for Far Cry 6 are coming out regularly, but not everything has been revealed yet.
Far Cry 6 release date
At this time, we don't have a specific or estimated release date for the game. Far Cry 4 released in 2014, and Far Cry 5 released in 2018, which could be a good guess. However, between those games, Far Cry Primal was released in 2016, which was a spin-off of the main series. If we were to take out Primitive, we could probably see Far Cry 6 from early to mid 2021.
The Villain of Everything From Far Away series has always been a standout individual in the game. The villain sets the tone for the series. Current rumors for who will play Far Cry 6's villain is Giancarlo Esposito, famous for playing Gus in Breaking Bad, and Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian. We know few details on what character Esposito might play, but if he steps into the upcoming Far Away Villain shoes, fans are in for a treat. We should learn these details with Ubisoft Foward, the developer's digital showcase taking place on July 12.
The setting has yet to be announced, but rumors speculate that Ubisoft is planning to pull out of Far Cry 5 and 4's Choice to Go Mid-Country in favor of a remote island. Supposedly, we'll learn more concrete details about this during Ubisoft Forward.
Required configuration
Because we don't have an exact release date for Far Cry 6, we have no idea what the system requirements are when they release. If the game releases in 2021, we can expect to compare to games released around that time, such as Star Wars Squadrons System Requirements. Depending on when Far Cry 6 comes out, we might see it coming mostly to PlayStation 5 and Xbox One S, rather than PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.
We will update this guide as we learn more about the game in the future.