There is a large multi-level boss waiting for you at the end. The only saving grace is that there are checkpoints along the way, otherwise this step would be next to impossible. This DLC is a cruel and unusual punishment, even at “normal” difficulty level. I was successful through liberal use of BFG, extra lives, and ego boosting respirators by grabbing all of the collectibles (and skins) from the level.
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Killer key: After the first big battle of the level where a marauder and a tyrant appear together, continue in the courtyard of the waterfall and cut down the tree. Climb to the top, then climb a nearby ledge - you can now go back to the high ledge with this key, marked on the map.
1-Up: In the same area as the tree you need to fell, enter the optional path on the left to find this 1-Up.

Secret meeting # 1: From the fallen tree, go forward and look on your right at a cracked wall in the pink water cave.
1-Up: Climb up the ledge to the left of the top of the waterfall and follow the path to the left to another cracked wall.

Killers Gate: Continue through the area filled with imps. You will reach a Spirit Empowered Arachnotron. The killers door is on the right.
Loyalty card: The map is on the way to the door of the killers.

Codex # 1: After jumping on the trees and meeting the Hell Knight, you will reach a vast expanse in front of you. Go straight down the ledge to find that first page.
2 in 1 toy: When you reach the floating platforms, jump to the second pair of breaking platforms - on the left there is a cracked wall that you can walk through to gain 2 lives.
Munitions BFG: In the arena with the ground / pillars electrified, press the third button, then look on the right wall for a cracked wall. Crush it to find this ammo.

Codex # 2: To the right of the switch on the ledge facing the huge main facility on this level, just past the pillar combat area.

Secret meeting # 2: Found after clearing the room that ends with Three Barons of Hell, the first main encounter in the central area of the map. Found near a mission critical button.
- To unlock the door, look at the ceiling above the button to activate the jumping mat. There is a green target - shoot it!
Codex # 3: After reactivating the jump launcher, go up to the second level of the Holt facility and enter the button room of the mission objectives. It's on the left.

Codex # 4: Press the button of the second level, then continue to the area which is divided into two fights.
Codex n ° 5: Complete the little jumping puzzle along the fork path and find this codex in the entrance hall to the right of the BFG ammo.
- To unlock the door, join the hall before the final boss of the level. Turn around and shoot the green target on the back of the object with the pole, and the door will open.
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