No exaggeration if we say that the world of applications for mobile phones is divided among free apps and apps of payment. All the free stuff, love us so we have no problem in download the most stupid app that we find whenever he is free, but it costs us much more download payment applications. What many people are unaware is that there are alternative methods to download apps for free payment, as for example take advantage of the free app of the day or get them through other free apps.
Discover apps free every day
What at the beginning was a way to promote any payment application to which withdrawing him the price for 24 hours to make it known, has become a constant and the Play Store or App Store usually find an app of the day that users can download free for 24 hours. It's a very interesting initiative, especially for small apps, without a large campaign of marketing back but that can become popular thanks to Word of mouth.
They can be any apps, like games, which allow us to download music and videos or anything else you can imagine. The major drawback of this method is that it's temporary offers, so you must be attentive to the offers (there are apps that alert you to journal of app of the day). In addition, they tend to be apps unknown to the general public, and if you are looking for a particular application you can pass some time until free. Get paid apps for free now!

We like to explore other ways to get free payment applications download ios 9 which is the last update of IOS free payment applications, e.g. downloading free apps that will allow us to download payment apps without having to pay a penny. The best example is Gums Up: you download it, install it on your smartphone or tablet and it will allow us to download paid applications for free. But not only that, because for each application that you install on your mobile devices earn gums - points - with which you can win interesting prizes.
For example, you can get gift cards to Play Store or App Store, as well as money from PayPal so you can use these rewards to pay for the apps that you want to download.
In addition, you can get gift cards with balance for the shops in Xbox and Play Station. If you are of those who already have apps of all kinds mobile don't worry, also gums can earn watching ads or answering surveys. Now that you know these tricks to get free apps and you won't have to pay more to get the application you want.