If you are looking for an easy platinum trophy, Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is definitely not your game. The platform game has 52 trophies / achievements in total. In terms of trophy rarity, there are two gold trophies, nine silver trophies, and 40 bronze trophies - so don't expect your profile level to rise too high with this title.
In terms of difficulty, a Gold Trophy mentions that you'll need an overall 106% completion score for Platinum, but it doesn't end there. Players are also tasked with earning 38 Perfect Relics and all Clear Gems, as well as completing all levels in N. Verted mode. This ultimately means that you will have to beat the game twice, as N. Verted mode is unlocked after beating the campaign. In short, Crash fans have a lot to play with before they ask for a sequel again.
Spoiler alert: There are a few trophy descriptions that detail subsequent campaign bosses.
Here is the complete list of trophies and achievements.
Platinum and Gold Trophies
- Master Marsupial - Get all trophies
- What was, will be again - Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex… again.
- OVER-Overachiever - Watch the end of the 106% bonus
Silver trophies
- Perfectionist - Earn ALL N. Sanely Perfect Relics
- Faster than sound - Earn ALL Time Trial Relics in Platinum
- gnilB fo gniK - Win ALL N. Verted gems
- King of Bling - Earn ALL Clear Gems
- Twinsanity - Defeat Doctors N. Tropy
- Overachiever - Watch the end of the 100% bonus
- Closing the Experiment Log - Earn ALL Flashback Relics in Platinum
- Backwards and foreword - Complete ALL levels in N. Verted mode
- The whole image - Complete all deadlines
Bronze trophies
- N. Vincible - Beat a story level without dying
- Supposedly perfectionist - Earn any N. Sanely Perfect Relic
- Faster than a turtle - Win any relic against the clock
- Hammering home - Make noise!
- All Gussied Up - Try on a skin
- Whoa! - Perform a triple rotation
- Show off - Defeat an enemy with Triple Spin
- Junkyard Jams - Make music in an unlikely place
- Bad signs - Do some practice at the target
- Founder of the A / V club - Acquire a Flashback tape
- Tree droppings - Find the