Bioshock 2 : guide to audio diaries and tonics
GATHERER'S GARDEN: A sort of distributors from which you can buy, thanks to the ADAM, improvements and Tonic.
WEAPONS POWER STATION: Scattered throughout the game and easily visible, these large machines will be used to upgrade your weapons.
AUDIO DIARIES: Devices that contain recordings of the characters in the game.
TONICS: Passive power-ups that you can find scattered around the game inside some heavenly flasks.
That said, I salute you all and wish you all a Happy Hunt!
Grace Holloway "It feels good with the Lamb": You'll have to climb over the flower shop mentioned in the previous diary, to get there climb over the central building of the Ristornate area and use the ruined bridge to get over the flower shop where you'll find the diary.
Genetic Delizia Tonic: In the same place as the previous diary.
Prentice Mill "The End of the Line": In the area called the City Square go immediately to the left, just before arriving at the health station, to see a sort of altar with the inscription RIP on the wall, you will find the diary on the altar.
Toblas Riefers "Fishbowl Clinic Code": Also in the town square, you will find this diary on the ground, under the numerical code of the Fountain Clinics door.
Augustus Sinclair "The worst part of the railway": Once Sinclair asks you to look for the genetic camera, search the left office to find this diary on your desk.
Upgrade Station: Once you enter the fountain clinics with the code number follow the video to find them.
Rock Flanagan, I.P "Camera engaged": Once you enter the fountain clinics with the code number follow the video to find them.
Tonic-Reducing Alarms: Once you enter the fountain clinics with the numeric code, follow the video to find them.
Sofia Lamb "Agreements": Once you enter the fountain clinics with the code number follow the video to find them.
Sofia Lamb "Therapy with Grace 1": Once you enter the fountain clinics with the numerical code, follow the video to find them.
This video shows you from the Upgrade Station to the diary "Therapy with Grace 1".
Mark Meltzer "Blood and Lamb": Arrive in the area called Marketplace, enter the building on the right and continue into the hole in the wall, you will arrive in an area with a large counter on which the diary will be placed.
Jackie Rodkins "Religious Services": Collect the Blood and Lamb diary, follow the video to find them.
Tonic-Head of Fire: Collect the Blood and Lamb diary, follow the video to find them.
Andrew Ryan "Pauper's Drop": Collect the Blood and Lamb diary, follow the video to find them.
Stanley Poole "Mole": Collect the Blood and Lamb diary, follow the video to find them.
This video shows from the "Religious Services" diary to the "Mole" diary.
Plasmid-Hypnotize: After framing the Brutus with the genetic camera, follow the video to find him.
Upgrade station: After you have framed the Brutus with the genetic camera, follow the video to find him.
Grace Holloway "Close the limbo room": After framing the Brutus with the genetic camera, follow the video to find them.
This video shows you from the plasmid hypnotize to the diary "Close the limbo room".
Grace Holloway "A gift from the Lamb": After breaking through the pile of rubble with the new drill attachment, climb the right ladder and go right. Enter the only door you will find and continue to the bathroom where you will find the diary next to a piece of furniture.
Upgrade Station and Tonic-Criotdrill: After you see a recombinant hanging, follow our video to find them.
Augustus Sinclair "Money Comes, Money Goes": From the previous tonic, follow the video to find the diary.
Gloria Parson "Where did Harry go?": From the Criotrivella tonic, continue in the direction of the arrow and go straight until you find the El Ammo petrol station, now enter the door on the right then immediately on the left and turn right again to find the diary on the cabinet next to the machine gun robot to deactivate.
Gydeon Wyborn "The Butterfly": Once in the room with the bluish butterflies on the walls, go to the left side of this room to find the diary on a piece of furniture near a cage.
Elliot Nelson "What a shot!" Once on the upper terrace with the camera in the middle, go to the right side to find the diary near a wheelchair.
Eleanor Lamb "Wild" and Tonic-Acute Observer: As soon as you enter Grace Holloway's room go immediately to the left, in the little pink room, where you will find the tonic on the table and the diary under the bed.
Grace Holloway "I let down the Lamb": As soon as you enter Grace Holloway's room go right to find the diary above a bed in front of a big porthole.
Leo Hartwig "Field Trial 1": Back in the restaurant area, kill the recombinant brute and search him to find the diary.