Baldur's Gate 3 is still browsing Early Access after its October release. And now Larian Studios has released another update, titled Patch 3 Inspiration, Freedom & Pacifism, to further improve their already awesome RPG.
The latest patch brings a slew of changes, complementing the rougher edges reported by the tens of thousands of Early Access players. Companion negativity, pacifist bonuses, and more can be found in the update. Below is a full list of Larian's latest work. Be comfortable, it's a long read.
Keep in mind that previous saves will not be compatible with patch 3. If you are particularly fond of your patch 2 or your previous adventures and adventurers, you can stay locked in the old version via an associated beta branch. The exact details can be found here.
Baldur's Gate 3 patch 3 patch notes
- Improved movement of character followers.
- Added an option to hide your helmet in the gear screen.
- Added trajectory preview for applying force when using spells.
- All characters now correctly stop running when forced turn-based mode is activated.
- Companions will now jump to follow the player's main character.
- Correction and reactivation of Larian Cross Save between all platforms.
- Various changes to companion approval ratings.
- Combat AI now takes drop drops into account.
- Changed the AI behavior archetypes for the Boar, Smart Devourer, and Little Spider.
- Battle music no longer ends when a character joins the fight.
- Audio configuration is now updated when selecting an option.
- In multiplayer, other customers can now hear a player's dice roll events in dialogue.
- Decluttering the hotbar UI by allowing selection of upcasted versions of spells with a separate widget.
- Improved the appearance of toggle passives that can be added to the hotbar.
- Improved some skill tooltips in character creation.
- Added a tutorial for inspiration points.
- Kinematics: Adjustment of emotions and looks in certain areas.
- Cinematics: Camera settings and lighting improvements in some areas.
- Kinematics: A wide pass of improvements on emotions and attitudes.
- Cinematics: Improved fade times.
- Kinematics: improved blending between poses.
- Any dialog box associated with a mask will be read before equipping it and not after.
- Jumping into a hole now also teleports the following characters.
- Revised sheath / quickdraw weapon logic for more consistent behavior.
- Experience is now granted for avoiding combat and completing small side quests.
- Added a new sound to initiate initiative in combat.
Balancing the changes
- Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost, and Acid Splash no longer create surfaces on impact. Fire Bolt always ignites flammable surfaces, and Ray of Frost always freezes water and puddles of blood. Fire Bolt damage has been adjusted accordingly
- Adjusted the default ability distribution for Clerics and Thieves. Clerics start with more DEX to take advantage of medium armor; Thieves start with more INT to open them up to the Arcane Trickster archetype.
- It is no longer possible to perform infinite actions by entering and exiting a cloud of white spores in a single turn; the status of a cloud of white spores should now persist until the end of a character's turn.
- Camera shakes mitigated for spell-preparation effects.
- The Shatter spell now works correctly with sculpt spells.
- Melee sneak attack now requires a finesse weapon.
- Summon Duplicity now only functions correctly if the attacker is within 3m of the summon.
- Surprised statuses can no longer stack.
- Increased the price of Drow armor to 800 gp.
- The effects of several hex spells are allowed to stack on the same character.
- You can now use Dash while staying hidden (sneaking).
- The group can now take 2 short breaks per long break.
- The default action for a container tooltip is now “Open” instead of “Pick up”.
- Rebalanced difficulty of dialogue skills tests.
- Changed the melee skeleton ability from Cleave to Slash to make it consistent with his weapon.
- Fixed NPCs not reacting to Hunter's Mark as a hostile action.
- Changed goblin AI archetypes.
Performance and stability
- Fixed inability to load some saved games.
- Reduced long backup times - better thread scheduling for 4-core processors.
- Improved the stability of the Vulkan version.
- Fixed a random crash when deleting a character that has followers.
- Fixed a random crash when switching armament when using dual use.
- Fixed a crash when deleting many saved games
- Fixed a crash when picking a heavy chest.
- Fixed random crash during passive failure.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when objects fell on top of each other.
- Fixed a crash while loading, related to being in a jump state
- Fixed a crash when looting multiple imp bodies in a sideroom in the tutorial.
- Solved a multitude of cinematic staging issues.
- Fixed incorrect flow in some dialogs.
- Characters can now walk to positions even if they are blocked by an invisible object.
- The automatic path search has been corrected for a few specific items.
- A weapon that cannot be duplicated will now be automatically equipped when double-clicking on it.
- All Passives should now show up on the Character Sheet.
- In combat, the preview chance to hit should now be correct, even if your character still needs to move.
- AI melee archetypes now correctly calculate damage dealt to allies and neutral characters. This should reduce unnecessary friendly fire when characters use attacks or area-of-effect abilities.
- Casting sounds have been restored on some spells.
- Summoned guards will now patrol an area before leaving it.
- Some dialogs got stuck after being invited with a persuasion test roll - these have been fixed.
- You can no longer switch weapon sets when casting a spell or moving around to cast a spell.
- After loading a saved game, quest markers should now properly disappear when objectives change.
- Added entry delay to prevent spam via roll reports.
- Fixed a desynchronization issue where client characters would return to their previous positions after a jump.
- Log notifications should no longer get stuck on the screen.
- Fixed a bug where visuals would not appear in the Examine window.
- Fixed a bug where the player profile was not created correctly when using specific characters in the profile name.
- Changing profiles now includes all changes made to sound settings.
- Fixed animation issues when applying statuses to NPCs in forced turn-based mode.
- The doors that were opened now appear to be open.
- Scroll of invisibility now costs the same as scrolls for other 2nd level spells.
- Agathys Armor now correctly deals 10 cold damage when using a 2nd level spell slot.
- The Cleric of Life's version of Heal Wounds now heals by 2d8 HP when using a level 2 spell slot.
- Large weapon fights no longer trigger on ranged weapon attacks.
- When wielded with two hands, the quartersaff now deals 1d8 base damage instead of 1d6.
- Dissonant Whispers now displays the correct damage values at level 2.
- Mother's Potion of Disgust now lasts until rested (as noted in the tooltip).
- Some broken healing potions no longer display as higher versions.
- When loading a saved game in turn-based mode (on an NPC's turn), characters now have all of their gear properly equipped.
- Characters now take fall damage when hit by an Eldritch blast with the Repulsive Blast passive feature.
- Faithbreaker's weapon action (Absolute Power) now properly triggers pushback.
- No more UI overlaps when 4 players recruit Lae'zel and Us in the tutorial.
- Removed trade and attack buttons from Lae'zel recruiting.
- When you recruit Lae'zel, you can no longer earn double XP.
- Harpies should now be able to achieve more combat points.
- Journal entry is now correct when players leave without fighting harpies.
- In the Thai cave, the skeletons now destroy their coffins when they appear.
- The music should now play and transition more cleanly into the goblin camp.
- Minthara no longer disappears after asking certain questions.
- The lunar puzzle no longer flips the moons after the successive rotation of the adjacent discs.
- Companion bear stats are no longer ten times the expected weight.
- Dialogue with Ethel and Mayrina's brothers won't end sooner if you don't side with anyone.
- Fixed a bug preventing you from picking up the letter to Kagha.
- Removed an incorrect musical trigger from the swamp.
- Lae'zel no longer refuses to speak after meeting the Githyanki at the bridge.
- When entering the aura of a Sussur Bloom, spells are now properly disabled in the hotbar.
- More general quest fixes and indicator checking improvements to make the story experience smoother.
- Flags set in Kagha's denunciation scene to prevent repetition of nearly identical knots.
- Fixed a custom crime flag when clicking on the Goblin Beer Jar to ensure the correct dialogue appears.
- Fixed quest and journal flags in Zhent's expedition situation.
- Assured Arabella dies when she's supposed to.
- The flow blocker has been fixed in Anders' dialog - it now correctly checks for the correct indicators.
- Thai undead now behave idly.
- Flags added to add responsiveness to the Shadowheart portion of the Arabella court scene.
- Changed the recruitment flags of Lae'zel in the plains to better reflect the flow that led there.