Since the advent of social networks and instant chats, by talking to someone we have been able to find out if the other user has seen our message or if they are online. Over time, the privacy options of these types of apps have increased considerably to the point where they can hide this type of information.
For many of us, this information is very important, as it can either strengthen or weaken our relationship with the user in question, and that’s why we need to know. Are you one of these users?
Then you are lucky, at 4Appslovers we have made a selection of the best apps to find out if you are online with Google Play. Now no one can hide anything from you anymore!
Contents hide 1 What are the best apps to know if you are online 1.1 1- WhatsD0g : app to see if it’s online 1.1.1 WhatsD0g ratings and opinions 1.1.2 Video tutorial for using WhatsD0g 1.1.3 ð²WhatsD0g app: download 1.2 2- WNotify : know if you are online 1.2.1 Wnotify ratings and opinions 1.2.2 ð²WNotify app: download 1.3 3- WhatsTraker 5 : Find out if it’s online 1.3.1 WhatsTraker 5 ratings and opinions 1.3.2 Video tutorial for using WhatsTraker 5 1.3.3 ð²WhatsTraker 5 app: download 1.4 4 – Whatsactivity PRO: know who’s online 1.4.1 Whatsactivity PRO ratings and opinions 1.4.2 ð²Whatsactivity PRO app: download 1.5 5 – WhatsDoc 1.5.1 WhatsDoc Ratings and Reviews 1.5.2 ð²WhatsDoc app: download 2 Comparing the pros and cons of Apps to see if you’re onlineWhat are the best apps to know if you are online
The need to know when someone is online is increasing for users of various applications, especially those where we talk to loved ones like Whatsapp or Instagram and we need to know if they are online and can respond immediately.
Other uses for these types of apps to know if another user is online are usually to make sure that we are not being ignored or that perhaps this person has connected for the last time at a time that we had been told, as you see, this type of app can have different uses. Check out our top 5 app selection to see if it’s online and don’t miss anything.
1- WhatsD0g : app to see if it’s online

WhatD0g is a great application if we want to see when a person is online at Whatsapp. To use it, we will need to enter the username of the person in question and their mobile number and we will automatically be notified when they are online and other very useful information such as the length of their online time or the last few times they have logged in.
Although the application can be downloaded and used for free, some of the features are fee-based, so we will have to pay a monthly fee to enjoy the application without limits.
WhatsD0g ratings and opinions

Good one… but… It works great…it warns you when it is connected and also when the person you are “controlling” is disconnected…just great… The but…is that it is a paid application and it is not exactly cheap…
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Very good application…it has days of trial

It works perfectly! I wish it were free

I love it works from the first moment of its installation and notifies you every time that number comes online the minutes of connection congratulations
Video tutorial for using WhatsD0g
ð²WhatsD0g app: download
ð Download Here the WhatsD0g app ð
2- WNotify : know if you are online
WNotify is another great app to know the connection status of a user in Whatsapp and to know if he is online or not. In addition, with this fantastic application we will also be able to know other relevant information such as the last times someone has connected and the duration online.
Wnotify will also automatically send notifications to our device when it detects a change in the online status of the users we are tracking so it will not be very easy to control whether or not they are online at all times.
Another great advantage of WNotify is that it allows us to track and monitor different devices and accounts at the same time so we can control all our different devices or those that are of our interest.

Wnotify ratings and opinions

Very good application works perfectly well. It gives me the data and the exact time the device was connected. . . If there are more affordable rates I expect your prompt response
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Very good, too bad you can’t see the users who are chatting with the tracking number, but very good

Excellent application. Very precise and tidy.

Too bad it’s not free. I just tested it and it notifies you when it’s online.
ð²WNotify app: download
ð Download here the Wnotify app ð
3- WhatsTraker 5 : Find out if it’s online
WhatsTraker 5 is another of the best apps to know if you are online. An application available for Android with which we can also know if a person is online. With it, we can see the connection times, duration andactivity intervals for each day.
WhatsTraker 5 also has integrated into the application a great support system for its users that will be very useful to resolve various questions about the program and its operation.
Although WhatsTraker is a paid app, it has a fairly extensive test period with all the functionalities.

WhatsTraker 5 ratings and opinions

If it works very well and it works with PayPal, so if you are going to pay be sure that it works and guarantee the above.
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It’s crazy how well the app works, I congratulate you, I’m trying it for free and I’m sure that if it continues like this I’ll pay for the service

So far it’s working for me. Quick notifications.

Very effective recommended. Gave me excellent result what I was looking for
Video tutorial for using WhatsTraker 5
ð²WhatsTraker 5 app: download
ð Downloadhere the WhatsTraker 5 app
4 – Whatsactivity PRO: know who’s online
Whatsactivity Pro is another perfect application for getting to know if someone is online. This application, besides having similar functionalities to the previous ones, allows us to download reports about the connection of different devices and in different formats.
Another advantage of Whatsactivity Pro is that its features are free and its trial period is a little longer than those of its competitors.

Whatsactivity PRO ratings and opinions

The truth is that it works, I’ve tried the others and this is the only one that if you wait a few minutes will do what it describes. You just have to be patient and the test days are many more.
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Excellent! It has been very useful and it works perfectly.

Very good with all the details when a selected contact is online

Excellent application and very useful
ð²Whatsactivity PRO app: download
ðDownloadhere the Whatsactivity PRO appð
5 – WhatsDoc
And we finish this list of the best apps to know if you are online to talk about WhatsDoc. Yes, its name is very similar to the first application in the list. This is because WhatsDoc works pretty much the same as the first one and has identical features.
The difference is in the price, which is much lower and the trial period is longer. In addition, another advantage of this app to know if someone is online is that the notifications arrive much faster and has a very useful online support system.

WhatsDoc Ratings and Reviews

It’s great but it should be more affordable in terms of payment methods. Very cool, I recommend it works great.
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The best of all apps and it works 100%.

Very good tool!

Super good and works very well
ð²WhatsDoc app: download
ð Download the WhatsDoc app here ð
Comparing the pros and cons of Apps to see if you’re online
WhatsD0g | WNotify | WhatsActivity PRO | |
Periodo de Prueba | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Notificaciones instantáneas | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
Estado e historial de conexión | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |