Do you love reading manga but never find the right place to read it? We understand you. It’s often quite difficult to find an application that provides you with quality reading content, that is complete and most of all: that is free. There are very few, to tell you the truth. And there are even fewer that have the most popular manga.
Instead of spending hours and hours looking for a good website or downloading one app at a time to see which one works, we invite you to read on. At 4Appslovers we have used Google Play to discover the best manga-reading apps on the market. Discover them!
Contents hide 1 What are the best manga apps 1.1 1. Mangatoon: manga reading app 1.1.1 Ratings and reviews of Mangatoon 1.1.2 ð² Mangatoon app: download 1.2 2. Manga Geek: free manga reading application 1.2.1 Ratings and opinions of Manga Geek 1.2.2 ð²Manga Geek app: download 1.3 3. Webcomics: manga reading app on Android 1.3.1 Webcomics Ratings and Opinions 1.3.2 Video tutorial for using Webcomics 1.3.3 ð² Webcomics app: download 1.4 4. WEBTOON: application to read manga 1.4.1 Ratings and reviews of WEBTOON 1.4.2 Video tutorial for using WEBTOON 1.4.3 ð² WEBTOON app: download 1.5 5. Super Manga: manga reading app 1.5.1 Ratings and reviews of Super Manga 1.5.2 ð² Super Sleeve app: download 1.6 6. Sleeve Plus 1.6.1 Ratings and reviews of Manga Plus 1.6.2 ð²Manga Plus: Download 1.7 7. Aruppi 1.7.1 Rating and opinions of Aruppi 1.7.2 ð²Aruppi: Download 1.8 8. Manga World 1.8.1 Rating and opinions of Mundo Manga 1.8.2 ð² Manga World: Download 2 Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the best apps for reading manga on Android
What are the best manga apps
For those who truly enjoy reading manga it can be quite frustrating to search for hours for content and when you think you’ve found it: surprise! you have to pay or it’s not complete. When we want to enjoy something we hope to do it in the best way, with at least a decent quality .
There are solutions for these problems: apps. You don’t have to spend hours searching in web pages for that manga that you are looking for when you can have it perfectly in your pocket always. Take a look at our selection of the 5 best apps for reading manga and forget about all the problems. Let’s read!
1. Mangatoon: manga reading app

Looking for an app that offers a wide variety of new manga? Introducing MangaToon the app for reading all kinds of colored comics, you can choose from action, yaoi, yuri comedy, horror and many other genres. MangaToon updates its list of stories every day! So, you’ll always have new content to access.
In the app you can enjoy free downloads to enjoy your comics when you are not online. Also, if you like Korean com ics in Mangatoon you will find some of the most popular ones. If you need to change the language of the manga you are reading you can do it by setting the language in the app menu. And the best thing is that you can upload your own stories to the app.
Ratings and reviews of Mangatoon

It’s a great app and its mangas are very good but sometimes they take a long time to update although I think that depends on the users and translators not on the application itself
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It’s very distracting hehe I really like reading comics but I don’t like that we have to have points to unlock many comics most of them need points but it’s just that detail that’s perfect
Well I love it but it takes a while to get the chapters out (not in all the sleeves) and in some of them it is not translated at all, I recommend them very much ð
I like a lot your application, I’m not against the ads because thanks to them I read for free, but I really dislike that I appear suddenly as if they were viruses, before this did not happen so I stayed with this application of several I had, is much more friendly as the banners that have in each chapter, or the videos you choose to see or pay
ð² Mangatoon app: download
ð DownloadMangatoon here ð
2. Manga Geek: free manga reading application

Manga Geek is an app for reading manga with a different concept. So, instead of posting content directly to the app, they simply add links so you can read your favorite manga and manhuas online. The app takes care of updating all the information every day so you don’t have to deal with broken links.
It features a database of over 4,000 free mangas and comics. The app has a creative design and its user interface is friendly and easy. You can find manga in different languages and you can choose the one that suits you best: English, Spanish and French. Also, you can often download your comic to read it offline.
Ratings and opinions of Manga Geek

Personally, I liked the amount of mangas, I wish there were more servers in Spanish in case the only two that have fall down. But for the rest, it is understood and nice to read like this. Good luck
Ver más comentarios👇It is perfect for reading mangas in Spanish, I would even say that it is the best there is today. Yes, I would like you to add the option to list a manga as finished instead of leaving it as a favorite.
Excellent, it is a quite complete app, aesthetically pleasing, has a very good interface, has a variety of manga in many languages, the Live Wallpapers section is quite good, not to mention the reading conditions which are excellent and easy to use
I would like some help I don’t know if it happens to others when I read a manga for about 10 min I want to see the next chapter I get an error that it doesn’t load and says connection failure and I have to close and open the application back it’s a little annoying to do that there if I get a solution :”(
ð²Manga Geek app: download
ð DownloadGeek Sleeve here ð
3. Webcomics: manga reading app on Android

Webcomics is one of the most popular applications for reading manga. It has more than 8,000,000 users who love manga as much as you do. With this app you will have the opportunity to enjoy exclusive comics whenever you want. In addition, much of the content is created by people all over the world.
In the app you can enjoy high definition manga in color, with excellent panels and stories. You can share your opinion and discuss stories with millions of readers and even with the creator of the comic itself! It is one of the fastest updating apps, with over 1,000 updates posted daily .
Webcomics Ratings and Opinions

The main idea and the application itself are very good, but unfortunately it is not in Spanish :/ thank you and hopefully in the near future the Spanish language will be added, I like the app very much and it would be much better 😀 :3
Ver más comentarios👇I like a lot this app, the only bad thing is that it is only in english, I am not bad in the language but it would be more comfortable in spanish I hope they put translations to spanish
It looks great, but it would be great if it were in Spanish.ð¢ I’ll give you 5 stars when I see that they really changed the languages ð
I LOVE THIS APP IS GOOD IT HAS GOOD GRAPHICS AND EVERYTHING. I’d rather they didn’t put in that thing about getting coins so I can watch the comic that’s annoying.
Video tutorial for using Webcomics
ð² Webcomics app: download
ð DownloadWebcomics here ð
4. WEBTOON: application to read manga

Do you want an application where you can read unique content and where you can post your own manga stories ? With WEBTOON all this is possible. This app has the vision of being a platform for creative revolution where independent creators from all over the world tell their stories. You can enjoy all kinds of genres: fantasy, horror, comedy and more.
All of the content offered by the app is completely free and you can enjoy it online or download the episodes to read them offline. The app adds new content every day which you can read from its launch, comment on and share with your friends and the WEBTOON community.
Ratings and reviews of WEBTOON

I love that this one is in Spanish, I used to read the translations, the problem is that I was reading one and I was already going through chapter 247 and now they took it out to put it back in little by little and I don’t like that, the one I was reading is Tower of god – and it was already very advanced and I am very sorry to know how long it will take to get where I was going
Ver más comentarios👇I love the application but, since the last update when I logged in my account it looked like it never existed, the comics don’t appear updated, that is, they are incomplete and I don’t know what to do, it doesn’t even let me update it.
I’m really glad they put it in Spanish already, but the only thing that bothers me is that they are slowly publishing again a story that was almost at the end and I have to read it from the beginning, the story is “Noblesse” and now I have to wait until the Epilogue.
Very good but it doesnâ??t have much variety of readers, there are some with very few chapters and they take a long time to update and not a few months ago I was reading one that was translated completely but now it tells me that it is not translated so I donâ??t give it the 5 stars.
Video tutorial for using WEBTOON
ð² WEBTOON app: download
ð DownloadWEBTOON here ð
5. Super Manga: manga reading app

If you are looking for a simple and practical app where you can read manga, this app is for you. Super Manga is a free app where you can enjoy all kinds of manga. Find manga of all genres: horror, drama, comedy and many more. Share it with your friends and download them to enjoy them whenever you want.
In the app you can bookmark the stories you like the most and receive a notification every time a new episode is released. You can also create lists of upcoming mangas so you can keep track of them. Enjoy your favorite stories in a simple and convenient way.
Ratings and reviews of Super Manga

The application has everything I need, to be able to download webtoons and enjoy them on the way to work without worrying about my connection or the data is grateful, very good application
Ver más comentarios👇It’s the best application I’ve ever installed, really, there’s little advertising and it contains a very wide variety, the best application I’ve ever tried, very good work!
The only thing missing is to configure the application so you can put it in other languages and have the translation of the mangas ;v
The application is very good, I recommend it, but the problem is that everything is in English and I find it difficult to read but the rest is fine
ð² Super Sleeve app: download
ðDownloadSuper Sleeve here ð
6. Sleeve Plus

“MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA” is the official manga reader of Shueisha Inc. available worldwide.
We offer the publication of the best selection of manga in the world , such as Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Bleach and more.
Read the latest chapters of the best manga for FREE, DAILY and SIMULTINEOUSLY with its release in Japan.
Download MANGA Plus and start enjoying this service now!
Ratings and reviews of Manga Plus

×××× Good option to read the manga legally and at the moment it comes out in Japan, but it is not useful if you don’t follow the series because it erases the old chapters. Those who are just starting a series and the series is not legally available in the country in question are being encouraged to resort to piracy. They should handle a subscription that allows access to the complete works, such as Crunchyroll.
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I really like the idea of being able to read the episodes for free and that it helps the mangaka, but I don’t like the idea of going into a manga and only having the first few episodes and then jumping to the last few. They should put a “Plan” that costs real money, obviously, and that benefits the readers like: 15 dlls a month allows you to support the mangaka, read all the chapters of a manga, have a more extensive catalog, etc. But I’m still quite happy with the service it provides.

It’s a good application, I just wish they would put more manga in Spanish like blue exorcist, hunterxhunter, etc. And also I would like that the mangas that are re-editions like tokyo ghoul, bleach, and naruto, are complete and do not have to wait for the next chapter, also are complete the other mangas that are in emission, like One piece, jujutsu kaisen, blue exorcist, or black clover, and that way I would not have to resort to pirate pages, from there out everything is well

I don’t like the fact that I want to see for example demon slayer and it appears 1, 2, 3, and it says right now the other chapters are not available and it jumps to 203 and I want you to fix that as soon as possible because it is both on the page and in the app and it becomes frustrating to search and not find to read otherwise well, but fix that now!
ð²Manga Plus: Download
7. Aruppi

Aruppi is a totally different application from the rest, designed by and for fans, in which you can see all the information of your favorite anime, manga and novel. You can also listen to our podcast which will keep you up to date with the latest news, or the 24/7 radio of K-Pop or J-Pop. Don’t miss it!
It is totally free and ad-free, with a clean and intuitive design so you can enjoy the most of Japanese culture without any interruption. You don’t need to register to use it, just download, install and enjoy all your anime, manga and Japanese culture.
Rating and opinions of Aruppi

I don’t know how I didn’t discover this before, not only do you have all the animes and mangas in good quality, but you also have them divided by season of each year and even bring which animes come out depending on the day of the week. Moreover, it has a section in which you can see different musical artists and what openings or endings have done, apart from dozens of radios with many types of music, and all without 10/10 ads
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It’s great It has an interface that in a way would be ridiculously intuitive (in the good sense) has many things that you can access easily In the anime shows you information beyond just the sipnosis and even these have a gallery with many photos and screenshots that you can download Also tells you every time a new cap of your favorite anime and if that’s not enough, if you want to hear an opening that you liked well this

This app is simply spectacular, I had never seen any other so complete, you can see all the desire that put him just by browsing the main screen. Of the few problems I have, one is about the loading times when selecting an anime, my screen goes blank and it takes a few seconds to enter the anime. Another one would be that the manga section is not integrated as such to the app, although that is just my whim. Five well deserved stars.â¤ï¸
ð²Aruppi: Download
8. Manga World

With this wonderful application we present you as the last one in this list of the best apps to read manga is Manga World. This ad-free and payment-free app will allow you to read all the manga you can imagine and you will even be able to read news from the worldof manga.
The application interface is very intuitive and simple, you will get along very well when using the app. It also has a discussion forum to give your opinion or find a new manga for you.
Rating and opinions of Mundo Manga

It is very good you never go out with ads (only when you are going to leave a chapter) but what I would like is that you add follow (to let us know if you have already uploaded a new episode), finished, in process but the rest is fine. It has been the best application for reading mangas that I have tried and it is very good.
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The app is great! But there is something that worries me is me or the app requires a good internet is that my internet if I load but I do not load the images appears that symbol when you do not load that I do not like and outside use data to load and if but I spend too much that makes me uncomfortable please if you can aser something to load better images and not require much internet aganlo lps manga comics are cool I hope the developer read my comment 🙂

Sincerely I love this application. Too bad for one thing, which is having to stop doing some manga as the webtoon app has those mangas only that original and therefore manga world stopped doing themð. As good as the webtoon app is, it’s not the same. But well, things can not be changed and leaving aside my opinion, this app is one of the best. If you are reading this I want you to know that it is great and highly recommended.

The truth is acceptable, the stories appear as I expected. My only complaint would be the time it takes to load the pages, I find it stressful to wait too long to read half a chapter. I would like to see the offline option implemented in any future updates. Keep up the good work ð
ð² Manga World: Download
Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the best apps for reading manga on Android
Finally, we have compared the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 best manga reading apps. As we mentioned before, we understand that it can be frustrating not to find the content you are looking for, so we hope that one of these apps will allow you to enjoy your stories whenever you want.
DESCARGAS GRATIS | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
CONTENIDO GRATIS | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
CONTENIDO ÚNICO | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
DIVERSIDAD DE IDIOMAS | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
COLGAR TUS HISTORIAS | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ |